Compute the mean and standard deviation of the intensities.
… of each channel of the given RGB image in LAB color space.
The outputs of this function is for reinhard normalization.
im_input (array_like) – An RGB image
mask_out (array_like) – if not None, uses numpy masked array functionality to only keep
non-masked areas when calculating mean and standard deviation.
mean_lab (array_like) – A 3-element array containing the mean of each channel of the input RGB
in LAB color space.
std_lab (array_like) – A 3-element array containing the standard deviation of each channel
of the input RGB in LAB color space.
mask_out (array_like, default is None) – if not None, should be (m, n) boolean numpy array.
This method uses numpy masked array functionality to only use
non-masked areas in calculations. This is relevant because elements
like blood, sharpie marker, white space, etc would throw off the
reinhard normalization by affecting the mean and stdev. Ideally, you
want to exclude these elements from both the target image (from which
you calculate target_mu and target_sigma) and from the source image
to be normalized.