Source code for histomicstk.preprocessing.color_conversion.rgb_to_hsi


import numpy as np

[docs] def rgb_to_hsi(im): """Convert to HSI the RGB pixels in im. Adapted from """ im = np.moveaxis(im, -1, 0) if len(im) not in (3, 4): msg = ( 'Expected 3-channel RGB or 4-channel RGBA image;' ' received a {}-channel image'.format(len(im)) ) raise ValueError(msg) im = im[:3] hues = (np.arctan2(3**0.5 * (im[1] - im[2]), 2 * im[0] - im[1] - im[2]) / (2 * np.pi)) % 1 intensities = im.mean(0) saturations = np.where( intensities, 1 - im.min(0) / np.maximum(intensities, 1e-10), 0) return np.stack([hues, saturations, intensities], -1)