Created on Sun Aug 11 22:30:06 2019.
@author: tageldim
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.create_mask_from_coords(coords)[source]¶
Create a binary mask from given vertices coordinates.
Source: This is modified from code by Juan Carlos from David Gutman Lab.
- Parameters:
coords (np array) – must be in the form (e.g. ([x1,y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3],…..,[xn,yn])), where xn and yn corresponds to the nth vertex coordinate.
- Returns:
binary mask
- Return type:
np array
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.delete_annotations_in_slide(gc, slide_id)[source]¶
Delete all annotations in a slide.
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.get_bboxes_from_slide_annotations(slide_annotations)[source]¶
Given a slide annotation list, gets information on bounding boxes.
- Parameters:
slide_annotations (list of dicts) – response from server request
- Returns:
The columns annidx and elementidx encode the dict index of annotation document and element, respectively, in the original slide_annotations list of dictionaries
- Return type:
Pandas DataFrame
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.get_idxs_for_annots_overlapping_roi_by_bbox(element_infos, idx_for_roi, iou_thresh=0.0)[source]¶
Find indices of potentially included annotations within the ROI.
We say “potentially” because this uses the IoU of roi and annotation as a fast indicator of potential inclusion. This helps dramatically scale down the number of annotations to look through. Later on, a detailed look at whether the annotation polygons actually overlap the ROI can be done.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
indices relative to element_infos
- Return type:
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.get_image_from_htk_response(resp)[source]¶
Given a histomicsTK girder response, get np array image.
- Parameters:
resp (object) – response from server request
- Returns:
a pillow Image object of the image
- Return type:
Pillow Image object
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.get_rotated_rectangular_coords(roi_center, roi_width, roi_height, roi_rotation=0)[source]¶
Given data on rectangular ROI center/width/height/rotation.
Get the unrotated abounding box coordinates around rotated ROI. This of course is applicable to any rotated rectangular annotation.
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.get_scale_factor_and_appendStr(gc, slide_id, MPP=None, MAG=None)[source]¶
Get how much is request region smaller than base.
This also gets the string to append to server request for getting rgb.
- Parameters:
gc (Girder client instance) – gc should be authoenticated.
slide_id (str) – girder id of slide
MPP (float or None) – Microns-per-pixel – best use this as it’s more well-defined than magnification which is more scanner/manufacturer specific. MPP of 0.25 often roughly translates to 40x
MAG (float or None) – If you prefer to use whatever magnification is reported in slide. If neither MPP or MAG is provided, everything is retrieved without scaling at base (scan) magnification.
- Returns:
float – how much smaller (0.1 means 10x smaller) is requested image compared to scan magnification (slide coordinates)
str – string to appnd to server request for getting slide region
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.np_vec_no_jit_iou(bboxes1, bboxes2)[source]¶
Fast, vectorized IoU.
- Source: https://medium.com/@venuktan/vectorized-intersection-over-union …
- Parameters:
bboxes1 (np array) – columns encode bounding box corners xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
bboxes2 (np array) – same as bboxes 1
- Returns:
IoU values for each pair from bboxes1 & bboxes2
- Return type:
np array
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.parse_slide_annotations_into_tables(slide_annotations, cropping_bounds=None, cropping_polygon_vertices=None, use_shapely=False)[source]¶
Given a slide annotation list, parse into convenient tabular format.
If the annotation is a point, then it is just treated as if it is a rectangle with zero area (i.e. xmin=xmax). Rotated rectangles are treated as polygons for simplicity.
- Parameters:
slide_annotations (list of dicts) – response from server request
cropping_bounds (dict or None) – if given, must have keys XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX. These are the bounds to which the polygons may be cropped using shapely, if the param use_shapely is True. Otherwise, the polygon coordinates are just shifted relative to these bounds without actually cropping.
cropping_polygon_vertices (nd array or None) – if given, is an (m, 2) nd array of vertices to crop bounds. if the param use_shapely is True. Otherwise, the polygon coordinates are just shifted relative to these bounds without actually cropping.
use_shapely (bool) – see cropping_bounds description.
- Returns:
Pandas DataFrame – Summary of key properties of the annotation documents. It has the following columns: - annotation_girder_id - _modelType - _version - itemId - created - creatorId - public - updated - updatedId - groups - element_count - element_details
Pandas DataFrame – The individual annotation elements (polygons, points, rectangles). The columns annidx and elementidx encode the dict index of annotation document and element, respectively, in the original slide_annotations list of dictionaries. It has the following columns:
- histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils.rotate_point_list(point_list, rotation, center=(0, 0))[source]¶
Rotate a certain point list around a central point. Modified from.
javascript version at: https://github.com/girder/large_image/blob/master/ … web_client/annotations/rotate.js.