import numpy as np
def simple_mask(im_rgb, bandwidth=2, bgnd_std=2.5, tissue_std=30,
min_peak_width=10, max_peak_width=25,
fraction=0.10, min_tissue_prob=0.05):
"""Performs segmentation of the foreground (tissue)
Uses a simple two-component Gaussian mixture model to mask tissue areas
from background in brightfield H&E images. Kernel-density estimation is
used to create a smoothed image histogram, and then this histogram is
analyzed to identify modes corresponding to tissue and background. The
mode peaks are then analyzed to estimate their width, and a constrained
optimization is performed to fit gaussians directly to the histogram
(instead of using expectation-maximization directly on the data which
is more prone to local minima effects). A maximum-likelihood threshold
is then derived and used to mask the tissue area in a binarized image.
im_rgb : array_like
An RGB image of type unsigned char.
bandwidth : double, optional
Bandwidth for kernel density estimation - used for smoothing the
grayscale histogram. Default value = 2.
bgnd_std : double, optional
Standard deviation of background gaussian to be used if
estimation fails. Default value = 2.5.
tissue_std: double, optional
Standard deviation of tissue gaussian to be used if estimation fails.
Default value = 30.
min_peak_width: double, optional
Minimum peak width for finding peaks in KDE histogram. Used to
initialize curve fitting process. Default value = 10.
max_peak_width: double, optional
Maximum peak width for finding peaks in KDE histogram. Used to
initialize curve fitting process. Default value = 25.
fraction: double, optional
Fraction of pixels to sample for building foreground/background
model. Default value = 0.10.
min_tissue_prob : double, optional
Minimum probability to qualify as tissue pixel. Default value = 0.05.
im_mask : array_like
A binarized version of `I` where foreground (tissue) has value '1'.
See Also
from scipy import signal
from scipy.optimize import fmin_slsqp
from scipy.stats import norm
from skimage import color
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
# convert image to grayscale, flatten and sample
im_rgb = 255 * color.rgb2gray(im_rgb)
im_rgb = im_rgb.astype(np.uint8)
num_samples = int(fraction * im_rgb.size)
sI = np.random.choice(im_rgb.flatten(), num_samples)[:, np.newaxis]
# kernel-density smoothed histogram
KDE = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=bandwidth).fit(sI)
xHist = np.linspace(0, 255, 256)[:, np.newaxis]
yHist = np.exp(KDE.score_samples(xHist))[:, np.newaxis]
yHist = yHist / sum(yHist)
# flip smoothed y-histogram so that background mode is on the left side
yHist = np.flipud(yHist)
# identify initial mean parameters for gaussian mixture distribution
# take highest peak among remaining peaks as background
Peaks = signal.find_peaks_cwt(yHist.flatten(),
np.arange(min_peak_width, max_peak_width))
BGPeak = Peaks[0]
if len(Peaks) > 1:
TissuePeak = Peaks[yHist[Peaks[1:]].argmax() + 1]
else: # no peak found - take initial guess at 2/3 distance from origin
TissuePeak = xHist[int(np.round(0.66 * xHist.size))].item()
# analyze background peak to estimate variance parameter via FWHM
BGScale = estimate_variance(xHist, yHist, BGPeak)
if BGScale == -1:
BGScale = bgnd_std
# analyze tissue peak to estimate variance parameter via FWHM
TissueScale = estimate_variance(xHist, yHist, TissuePeak)
if TissueScale == -1:
TissueScale = tissue_std
# solve for mixing parameter
Mix = yHist[BGPeak] * (BGScale * (2 * np.pi)**0.5)
if len(Mix) == 1:
Mix = Mix[0]
except Exception:
# flatten kernel-smoothed histogram and corresponding x values for
# optimization
xHist = xHist.flatten()
yHist = yHist.flatten()
# define gaussian mixture model
def gaussian_mixture(x, mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, p):
rv1 = norm(loc=mu1, scale=sigma1)
rv2 = norm(loc=mu2, scale=sigma2)
return p * rv1.pdf(x) + (1 - p) * rv2.pdf(x)
# define gaussian mixture model residuals
def gaussian_residuals(Parameters, y, x):
mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, p = Parameters
yhat = gaussian_mixture(x, mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, p)
return sum((y - yhat) ** 2)
# fit Gaussian mixture model and unpack results
Parameters = fmin_slsqp(gaussian_residuals,
[BGPeak, TissuePeak, BGScale, TissueScale, Mix],
args=(yHist, xHist),
bounds=[(0, 255), (0, 255),
(np.spacing(1), 10),
(np.spacing(1), 50), (0, 1)],
muBackground = Parameters[0]
muTissue = Parameters[1]
sigmaBackground = Parameters[2]
sigmaTissue = Parameters[3]
p = Parameters[4]
# create mask based on Gaussian mixture model
Background = norm(loc=muBackground, scale=sigmaBackground)
Tissue = norm(loc=muTissue, scale=sigmaTissue)
pBackground = p * Background.pdf(xHist)
pTissue = (1 - p) * Tissue.pdf(xHist)
# identify maximum likelihood threshold
Difference = pTissue - pBackground
Candidates = np.nonzero(Difference >= 0)[0]
Filtered = np.nonzero(xHist[Candidates] > muBackground)
ML = xHist[Candidates[Filtered[0]][0]]
# identify limits for tissue model (MinProb, 1-MinProb)
Endpoints = np.asarray(Tissue.interval(1 - min_tissue_prob / 2))
# invert threshold and tissue mean
ML = 255 - ML
muTissue = 255 - muTissue
Endpoints = np.sort(255 - Endpoints)
# generate mask
im_mask = (im_rgb <= ML) & (im_rgb >= Endpoints[0]) & \
(im_rgb <= Endpoints[1])
im_mask = im_mask.astype(np.uint8)
return im_mask
def estimate_variance(x, y, peak):
"""Estimates variance of a peak in a histogram using the FWHM of an
approximate normal distribution.
Starting from a user-supplied peak and histogram, this method traces down
each side of the peak to estimate the full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) and
variance of the peak. If tracing fails on either side, the FWHM is
estimated as twice the HWHM.
x : array_like
vector of x-histogram locations.
y : array_like
vector of y-histogram locations.
peak : double
index of peak in y to estimate variance of
scale : double
Standard deviation of normal distribution approximating peak. Value is
-1 if fitting process fails.
See Also
# analyze peak to estimate variance parameter via FWHM
peak = int(peak)
Left = peak
while y[Left] > y[peak] / 2 and Left >= 0:
Left -= 1
if Left == -1:
Right = peak
while y[Right] > y[peak] / 2 and Right < y.size:
Right += 1
if Right == y.size:
if Left != -1 and Right != y.size:
LeftSlope = y[Left + 1] - y[Left] / (x[Left + 1] - x[Left])
Left = (y[peak] / 2 - y[Left]) / LeftSlope + x[Left]
RightSlope = y[Right] - y[Right - 1] / (x[Right] - x[Right - 1])
Right = (y[peak] / 2 - y[Right]) / RightSlope + x[Right]
scale = (Right - Left) / 2.355
if Left == -1:
if Right == y.size:
scale = -1
RightSlope = y[Right] - y[Right - 1] / (x[Right] - x[Right - 1])
Right = (y[peak] / 2 - y[Right]) / RightSlope + x[Right]
scale = 2 * (Right - x[peak]) / 2.355
if Right == y.size:
if Left == -1:
scale = -1
LeftSlope = y[Left + 1] - y[Left] / (x[Left + 1] - x[Left])
Left = (y[peak] / 2 - y[Left]) / LeftSlope + x[Left]
scale = 2 * (x[peak] - Left) / 2.355
if len(scale) == 1:
scale = scale[0]
except Exception:
return scale