Source code for histomicstk.utils.sample_pixels

import large_image
import numpy as np
import PIL.Image

from .simple_mask import simple_mask

[docs] def sample_pixels(slide_path, sample_fraction=None, magnification=None, tissue_seg_mag=1.25, min_coverage=0.1, background=False, sample_approximate_total=None, tile_grouping=256, invert_image=False, style=None, frame=None, default_img_inversion=False): """Generates a sampling of pixels from a whole-slide image. Useful for generating statistics or Reinhard color-normalization or adaptive deconvolution. Uses mixture modeling approach to focus sampling in tissue regions. Parameters ---------- slide_path : str path and filename of slide. sample_fraction : double Fraction of pixels to sample. Must be in the range [0, 1]. magnification : double Desired magnification for sampling. Default value : None (for native scan magnification). tissue_seg_mag: double, optional low resolution magnification at which foreground will be segmented. Default value = 1.25. min_coverage: double, optional minimum fraction of tile covered by tissue for it to be included in sampling. Ranges between [0,1). Default value = 0.1. background: bool, optional sample the background instead of the foreground if True. min_coverage then refers to the amount of background. Default value = False sample_approximate_total: int, optional use instead of sample_fraction to specify roughly how many pixels to sample. The fewer tiles are excluded, the more accurate this will be. tile_grouping: int, optional Number of tiles to process as part of a single task. Returns ------- pixels : array_like A Nx3 matrix of RGB pixel values sampled from the whole-slide. Notes ----- If Dask is configured, it is used to distribute the computation. See Also -------- histomicstk.preprocessing.color_normalization.reinhard """ import dask import dask.distributed if (sample_fraction is None) == (sample_approximate_total is None): msg = 'Exactly one of sample_fraction and sample_approximate_total must have a value.' raise ValueError(msg) ts = large_image.getTileSource(slide_path, style=style) if magnification is None: magnification = ts.getMetadata()['magnification'] # get entire whole-slide image at low resolution scale_lres = {'magnification': tissue_seg_mag} im_lres, _ = ts.getRegion( format=large_image.tilesource.TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY, scale=scale_lres, frame=frame, ) # check number of channels if len(im_lres.shape) <= 2 or im_lres.shape[2] == 1: im_lres = np.dstack((im_lres, im_lres, im_lres)) if default_img_inversion: invert_image = True else: im_lres = im_lres[:, :, :3] # perform image inversion if invert_image: im_lres = (np.iinfo(im_lres.dtype).max if im_lres.dtype.kind == 'u' else np.max(im_lres)) - im_lres # compute foreground mask of whole-slide image at low-res. # it will actually be a background mask if background is set. im_fgnd_mask_lres = bool(background) ^ simple_mask(im_lres) if sample_approximate_total is not None: scale_ratio = float(magnification) / tissue_seg_mag total_fgnd_pixels = np.count_nonzero(im_fgnd_mask_lres) * scale_ratio ** 2 sample_fraction = sample_approximate_total / total_fgnd_pixels # broadcasting fgnd mask to all dask workers try: c = dask.distributed.get_client() [im_fgnd_mask_lres] = c.scatter([im_fgnd_mask_lres], broadcast=True) except ValueError: pass # generate sample pixels sample_pixels = [] iter_args = dict(scale=dict(magnification=magnification), format=large_image.tilesource.TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY) total_tiles = ts.getSingleTile(**iter_args)['iterator_range']['position'] for position in range(0, total_tiles, tile_grouping): sample_pixels.append(dask.delayed(_sample_pixels_tile)( slide_path, iter_args, (position, min(tile_grouping, total_tiles - position)), sample_fraction, tissue_seg_mag, min_coverage, im_fgnd_mask_lres, invert_image=invert_image, style=style, default_img_inversion=default_img_inversion)) # concatenate pixel values in list if sample_pixels: sample_pixels = (dask.delayed(np.concatenate)(sample_pixels, 0) .compute()) else: print('Sampling could not identify any foreground regions.') return sample_pixels
def _sample_pixels_tile(slide_path, iter_args, positions, sample_fraction, tissue_seg_mag, min_coverage, im_fgnd_mask_lres, invert_image=False, style=None, default_img_inversion=False): start_position, position_count = positions sample_pixels = [np.empty((0, 3))] ts = large_image.getTileSource(slide_path, style=style) for position in range(start_position, start_position + position_count): tile = ts.getSingleTile(tile_position=position, **iter_args) # get current region in base_pixels rgn_hres = {'left': tile['gx'], 'top': tile['gy'], 'right': tile['gx'] + tile['gwidth'], 'bottom': tile['gy'] + tile['gheight'], 'units': 'base_pixels'} # get foreground mask for current tile at low resolution rgn_lres = ts.convertRegionScale(rgn_hres, targetScale={'magnification': tissue_seg_mag}, targetUnits='mag_pixels') top = int(rgn_lres['top']) bottom = int(rgn_lres['bottom']) left = int(rgn_lres['left']) right = int(rgn_lres['right']) tile_fgnd_mask_lres = im_fgnd_mask_lres[top:bottom, left:right] # skip tile if there is not enough foreground in the slide cur_fgnd_frac = tile_fgnd_mask_lres.mean() if np.isnan(cur_fgnd_frac) or cur_fgnd_frac <= min_coverage: continue # check number of channels if len(tile['tile'].shape) <= 2 or tile['tile'].shape[2] == 1: im_tile = np.dstack((tile['tile'], tile['tile'], tile['tile'])) if default_img_inversion: invert_image = True else: im_tile = tile['tile'][:, :, :3] # perform image inversion if invert_image: im_tile = (np.iinfo(im_tile.dtype).max if im_tile.dtype.kind == 'u' else np.max(im_tile)) - im_tile # get tile foreground mask at resolution of current tile tile_fgnd_mask = np.array(PIL.Image.fromarray(tile_fgnd_mask_lres).resize( im_tile.shape[:2], resample=PIL.Image.NEAREST, )) # generate linear indices of sample pixels in fgnd mask nz_ind = np.nonzero(tile_fgnd_mask.flatten())[0] # Handle fractions in the desired sample size by rounding up # or down, weighted by the fractional amount. float_samples = sample_fraction * nz_ind.size num_samples = int(np.floor(float_samples)) num_samples += np.random.binomial(1, float_samples - num_samples) sample_ind = np.random.choice(nz_ind, num_samples) # convert rgb tile image to Nx3 array tile_pix_rgb = np.reshape(im_tile, (-1, 3)) # add rgb triplet of sample pixels sample_pixels.append(tile_pix_rgb[sample_ind, :]) return np.concatenate(sample_pixels, 0)