from collections import namedtuple
import large_image
import numpy as np
from ..preprocessing.color_conversion import rgb_to_hsi
# This can be an enum in Python >= 3.4
class Labels:
"""Labels for the output image of the positive pixel count routines."""
WEAK = 1
class Parameters(
namedtuple('Parameters', [
"""Parameters(hue_value, hue_width, saturation_minimum,
intensity_upper_limit, intensity_weak_threshold,
intensity_strong_threshold, intensity_lower_limit)
Center of the hue range in HSI space for the positive color, in
the range [0, 1]
Width of the hue range in HSI space
Minimum saturation of positive pixels in HSI space, in the range
[0, 1]
Intensity threshold in HSI space above which a pixel is
considered negative, in the range [0, 1]
Intensity threshold in HSI space that separates weak-positive
pixels (above) from plain positive pixels (below)
Intensity threshold in HSI space that separates plain positive
pixels (above) from strong positive pixels (below)
Intensity threshold in HSI space below which a pixel is
considered negative
OutputTotals = namedtuple('OutputTotals', [
Output = namedtuple('Output', OutputTotals._fields + (
def count_slide(slide_path, params, region=None,
tile_grouping=256, make_label_image=False):
"""Compute a count of positive pixels in the slide at slide_path.
This routine can also create a label image.
slide_path : string (path)
Path to the slide to analyze.
params : Parameters
An instance of Parameters, which see for further documentation
region : dict, optional
A valid region dict (per a large_image
TileSource.tileIterator's region argument)
tile_grouping : int
The number of tiles to process as part of a single task
make_label_image : bool, default=False
Whether to make a label image. See also "Notes"
stats : Output
Various statistics on the input image. See Output.
label_image : array-like, only if make_label_image is set
The return value is either a single or a pair -- it is in either
case a tuple. Dask is used as configured to compute the
statistics, but only if make_label_image is reset. If
make_label_image is set, everything is computed in a
single-threaded manner.
from dask import delayed
ts = large_image.getTileSource(slide_path)
kwargs = dict(format=large_image.tilesource.TILE_FORMAT_NUMPY)
if region is not None:
kwargs['region'] = region
if make_label_image:
tile = ts.getRegion(**kwargs)[0]
return count_image(tile, params)
results = []
total_tiles = ts.getSingleTile(**kwargs)['iterator_range']['position']
for position in range(0, total_tiles, tile_grouping):
slide_path, params, kwargs, position,
min(tile_grouping, total_tiles - position)))
results = delayed(_combine)(results).compute()
return (_totals_to_stats(results),)
def _combine(results):
return OutputTotals._make(sum(r[i] for r in results)
for i in range(len(OutputTotals._fields)))
def _count_tiles(slide_path, params, kwargs, position, count):
ts = large_image.getTileSource(slide_path)
lpotf = len(OutputTotals._fields)
total = [0] * lpotf
for pos in range(position, position + count):
tile = ts.getSingleTile(tile_position=pos, **kwargs)['tile']
subtotal = _count_image(tile, params)[0]
for k in range(lpotf):
total[k] += subtotal[k]
return OutputTotals._make(total)
def count_image(image, params, mask=None):
"""Count positive pixels, computing a label mask and summary
image : array-like
NxMx3 array of RGB data
params : Parameters
An instance of Parameters, which see for further documentation
mask: array-like
A boolean mask. If present, only pixels where the mask is True are
stats : Output
Various statistics on the input image. See Output.
label_image : array-like
NxM array of pixel types. See Labels for the different values.
total, masks = _count_image(image, params, mask)
mask_all_positive, mask_weak, mask_pos, mask_strong = masks
label_image = np.full(image.shape[:-1], Labels.NEGATIVE, dtype=np.uint8)
label_image[mask_all_positive] = (
mask_weak * Labels.WEAK +
mask_pos * Labels.PLAIN +
mask_strong * Labels.STRONG
return _totals_to_stats(total), label_image
def _count_image(image, params, mask=None):
"""A version of count_image that doesn't compute the label image and
only computes the sums.
p = params
image_hsi = rgb_to_hsi(image / 255)
mask_all_positive = (
(np.abs(((image_hsi[..., 0] - p.hue_value + 0.5) % 1) - 0.5) <=
p.hue_width / 2) &
(image_hsi[..., 1] >= p.saturation_minimum) &
(image_hsi[..., 2] < p.intensity_upper_limit) &
(image_hsi[..., 2] >= p.intensity_lower_limit)
if mask is not None:
mask_all_positive &= mask
all_positive_i = image_hsi[mask_all_positive, 2]
mask_weak = all_positive_i >= p.intensity_weak_threshold
nw, iw = np.count_nonzero(mask_weak), np.sum(all_positive_i[mask_weak])
mask_strong = all_positive_i < p.intensity_strong_threshold
ns, is_ = np.count_nonzero(mask_strong), np.sum(all_positive_i[mask_strong])
mask_pos = ~(mask_weak | mask_strong)
np_, ip = np.count_nonzero(mask_pos), np.sum(all_positive_i[mask_pos])
total = OutputTotals(
NumberTotalPixels=(np.count_nonzero(mask) if mask is not None else
image_hsi.shape[0] * image_hsi.shape[1]),
return total, (mask_all_positive, mask_weak, mask_pos, mask_strong)
def _totals_to_stats(total):
"""Do the extra computations to convert an OutputTotals to an Output"""
t = total
all_positive = t.NumberWeakPositive + t.NumberPositive + t.NumberStrongPositive
return Output(
IntensityAverage=((t.IntensitySumWeakPositive +
t.IntensitySumPositive +
t.IntensitySumStrongPositive) /
all_positive) if all_positive else 0,
RatioStrongToTotal=t.NumberStrongPositive / all_positive if all_positive else 0,
(t.IntensitySumWeakPositive + t.IntensitySumPositive) /
(t.NumberWeakPositive + t.NumberPositive)
) if t.NumberWeakPositive + t.NumberPositive else 0,
RatioStrongToPixels=t.NumberStrongPositive / (t.NumberTotalPixels or 1),
RatioWeakToPixels=t.NumberWeakPositive / (t.NumberTotalPixels or 1),
RatioTotalToPixels=all_positive / (t.NumberTotalPixels or 1),
__all__ = (