import numpy as np
from histomicstk.utils import gradient_diffusion
def gvf_tracking(I, Mask, K=1000, Diffusions=10, Mu=5, Lambda=5, Iterations=10,
Performs gradient-field tracking to segment smoothed images of cell nuclei.
Takes as input a smoothed intensity or Laplacian-of-Gaussian filtered image
and a foreground mask, and groups pixels by tracking them to mutual
gradient sinks. Typically requires merging of sinks (seeds) as a post
processing steps.
I : array_like
Smoothed intensity or log-filtered response where nuclei regions have
larger intensity values than background.
Mask : array_like
Binary mask where foreground objects have value 1, and background
objects have value 0. Used to restrict influence of background vectors
on diffusion process and to reduce tracking computations.
K : float
Number of steps to check for tracking cycle. Default value = 1000.
Mu : float
Weight parameter from Navier-Stokes diffusion - weights divergence and
Laplacian terms. Default value = 5.
Lambda : float
Weight parameter from Navier-Stokes diffusion - used to weight
divergence. Default value = 5.
Iterations : float
Number of time-steps to use in Navier-Stokes diffusion. Default value =
dT : float
Timestep to be used in Navier-Stokes diffusion. Default value = 0.05.
Segmentation : array_like
Label image where positive values correspond to foreground pixels that
share mutual sinks.
Sinks : array_like
N x 2 array containing the (x,y) locations of the tracking sinks. Each
row is an (x,y) pair - in that order.
See Also
.. [#] G. Li et al "3D cell nuclei segmentation based on gradient flow
tracking" in BMC Cell Biology,vol.40,no.8, 2007.
# get image shape
M = I.shape[0]
N = I.shape[1]
# calculate gradient
dy, dx = np.gradient(I)
# diffusion iterations
if Diffusions > 0:
dx, dy = gradient_diffusion(dx, dy, Mask, Mu, Lambda, Diffusions,
# normalize to unit magnitude
Mag = ((dx**2 + dy**2)**0.5 + np.finfo(float).eps)
dy = dy / Mag
dx = dx / Mag
# define mask to track pixels that are mapped to a sink
Mapped = np.zeros(I.shape)
# define label image
Segmentation = np.zeros(I.shape)
# initialize lists of sinks
Sinks = []
# define coordinates for foreground pixels (Mask == 1)
i, j = np.nonzero(Mask)
# track pixels
for _index, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(j, i)):
# initialize angle, trajectory length, novel flag, and allocation count
phi = 0
points = 1
novel = 1
alloc = 1
# initialize trajectory
Trajectory = np.zeros((K, 2))
Trajectory[0, 0] = x
Trajectory[0, 1] = y
# track while angle defined by successive steps is < np.pi / 2
while phi < np.pi / 2:
# calculate step
xStep = round_float(dx[Trajectory[points - 1, 1],
Trajectory[points - 1, 0]])
yStep = round_float(dy[Trajectory[points - 1, 1],
Trajectory[points - 1, 0]])
# check image edge
if ((Trajectory[points - 1, 0] + xStep < 0) or
(Trajectory[points - 1, 0] + xStep > N - 1) or
(Trajectory[points - 1, 1] + yStep < 0) or
(Trajectory[points - 1, 1] + yStep > M - 1)):
# add new point to trajectory list
if points < K: # buffer is not overrun
Trajectory[points, 0] = Trajectory[points - 1, 0] + xStep
Trajectory[points, 1] = Trajectory[points - 1, 1] + yStep
else: # buffer overrun
# check for cycle
cycle = detect_cycle(Trajectory, points)
if cycle == points: # no cycle, simple overflow. grow buffer.
# copy and reallocate
temp = Trajectory
Trajectory = np.zeros((K * alloc, 2))
Trajectory[K * (alloc - 1):K * alloc, ] = temp
alloc += 1
# add new point
Trajectory[points, 0] = Trajectory[points - 1, 0] + xStep
Trajectory[points, 1] = Trajectory[points - 1, 1] + yStep
else: # overflow due to cycle, terminate tracking
points = cycle
# check mapping
if Mapped[Trajectory[points, 1], Trajectory[points, 0]] == 1:
novel = 0
phi = np.pi
elif Mask[Trajectory[points, 1], Trajectory[points, 0]] == 0:
phi = np.pi
phi = np.arccos(dy[Trajectory[points - 1, 1],
Trajectory[points - 1, 0]] *
dy[Trajectory[points, 1],
Trajectory[points, 0]] +
dx[Trajectory[points - 1, 1],
Trajectory[points - 1, 0]] *
dx[Trajectory[points, 1],
Trajectory[points, 0]])
# increment trajectory length counter
points += 1
# determine if sink is novel
if novel == 1:
# record sinks
Sinks.append(Trajectory[points - 1, ])
# add trajectory to label image with new sink value, add mapping
for j in range(points):
Segmentation[Trajectory[j, 1], Trajectory[j, 0]] = len(Sinks)
Mapped[Trajectory[j, 1], Trajectory[j, 0]] = 1
# add trajectory to label image with sink value of final point
for j in range(points):
Segmentation[Trajectory[j, 1], Trajectory[j, 0]] = \
Segmentation[Trajectory[points - 1, 1],
Trajectory[points - 1, 0]]
# convert Sinks to numpy array
Sinks = np.asarray(Sinks)
return Segmentation, Sinks
def merge_sinks(Label, Sinks, Radius=5):
Merges attraction basins obtained from gradient flow tracking using
sink locations.
Segmentation : array_like
Label image where positive values correspond to foreground pixels that
share mutual sinks.
Sinks : array_like
N x 2 array containing the (x,y) locations of the tracking sinks. Each
row is an (x,y) pair - in that order.
Radius : float
Radius used to merge sinks. Sinks closer than this radius to one
another will have their regions of attraction merged.
Default value = 5.
Merged : array_like
Label image where attraction regions are merged.
import skimage.morphology as mp
from skimage import measure as ms
# build seed image
SeedImage = np.zeros(Label.shape)
for i in range(Sinks.shape[0]):
SeedImage[Sinks[i, 1], Sinks[i, 0]] = i + 1
# dilate sink image
Dilated = mp.binary_dilation(SeedImage, mp.disk(Radius))
# generate new labels for merged seeds, define memberships
Labels = ms.label(Dilated)
New = Labels[Sinks[:, 1].astype(int), Sinks[:, 0].astype(int)]
# get unique list of seed clusters
Unique = np.arange(1, New.max() + 1)
# generate new seed list
Merged = np.zeros(Label.shape)
# get pixel list for each sink object
Props = ms.regionprops(Label.astype(int))
# fill in new values
for i in Unique:
Indices = np.nonzero(New == i)[0]
for j in Indices:
Coords = Props[j].coords
Merged[Coords[:, 0], Coords[:, 1]] = i
return Merged
def detect_cycle(Trajectory, points):
# initialize trajectory length
length = 0
# identify trajectory bounding box
xMin = np.min(Trajectory[0:points, 0])
xMax = np.max(Trajectory[0:points, 0])
xRange = xMax - xMin + 1
yMin = np.min(Trajectory[0:points, 1])
yMax = np.max(Trajectory[0:points, 1])
yRange = yMax - yMin + 1
# fill in trajectory map
Map = np.zeros((yRange, xRange))
for i in range(points):
if Map[Trajectory[i, 1] - yMin, Trajectory[i, 0] - xMin] == 1:
Map[Trajectory[i, 1] - yMin, Trajectory[i, 0] - xMin] = 1
length += 1
return length
def round_float(x):
if x >= 0.0:
t = np.ceil(x)
if t - x > 0.5:
t -= 1.0
return t
t = np.ceil(-x)
if t + x > 0.5:
t -= 1.0
return -t