Source code for histomicstk.segmentation.nuclear.gaussian_voting

import collections

import numpy as np

import histomicstk as htk

[docs] def gaussian_voting(I, rmax=35, rmin=10, sSigma=5, Tau=5, bw=15, Psi=0.3): """Performs nuclear detection using Gaussian kernel voting. Uses a gaussian kernel to localize the centroids of cell nuclei. Takes as input a hematoxylin-deconvolved image and uses the gradient signal to cast directed votes towards the center of cell nuclei. These votes are blurred by a gaussian kernel, and are spatially clustered using the mean-shift algorithm. Convolutions are performed separably to reduce compute time. Parameters ---------- I : array_like A hematoxylin intensity image obtained from ColorDeconvolution. rmax : double Upper-limit on voting area extent. Default value = 35. rmin : double Lower-limit on voting area extent. Default value = 10. sSigma : double Standard deviation of smoothing kernel used in gradient calculation. Default value = 5. Tau : double Lower limit on gradient magnitude for casting a vote. Default value = 5. bw : double Bandwidth parameter for mean-shift clustering. Default value = 15. Psi : double Lower limit threshold on votes. Expressed as a fraction of the maximum vote, ranges from [0, 1). Default value = 0.3. Returns ------- Centroids : array_like An N x 2 array defining the (x,y) coordinates of cell centroids. Votes : array_like An intensity image containing the blurred votes obtained by voting. Notes ----- Return values are returned as a namedtuple See Also -------- histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.color_deconvolution References ---------- .. [#] X. Qi, F. Xing, D.J. Foran, L. Yang, "Robust Segmentation of Overlapping Cells in Histopathology Specimens Using Parallel Seed Detection and Repulsive Level Set," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol.59,no.23,pp.754-65, 2011. """ import scipy.signal as signal import sklearn.cluster as cl # calculate standard deviation of voting kernel vSigma = (rmax - rmin) / 3 # calculate voting radius r = int(round((rmax + rmin) / 2)) # generate separable gaussian derivative kernels Grad = htk.filters.edge.gaussian_grad(I, sSigma) dMag = (Grad.dX**2 + Grad.dY**2)**0.5 # threshold gradient image to identify voting pixels dMask = dMag >= Tau Voting = dMask.nonzero() # initialize voting field - pad by 'r' along each edge Votes = np.zeros((I.shape[0] + 2 * r, I.shape[1] + 2 * r)) for i in range(Voting[0].size): # calculate center point of voting region mux = round(Voting[1][i] + r * Grad.dX[Voting[0][i]][Voting[1][i]] / dMag[Voting[0][i]][Voting[1][i]]) muy = round(Voting[0][i] + r * Grad.dY[Voting[0][i]][Voting[1][i]] / dMag[Voting[0][i]][Voting[1][i]]) # enter weighted votes at these locations Votes[r + muy, r + mux] = Votes[r + muy, r + mux] + \ dMag[Voting[0][i]][Voting[1][i]] # create voting kernel x = np.linspace(0, np.ceil(2 * 3 * vSigma), int(np.ceil(2 * 3 * vSigma) + 1)) y = np.linspace(0, np.ceil(2 * 3 * vSigma), int(np.ceil(2 * 3 * vSigma) + 1)) x -= np.ceil(2 * 3 * vSigma) / 2 # center at zero y -= np.ceil(2 * 3 * vSigma) / 2 x = np.reshape(x, (1, x.size)) # reshape to 2D row and column vectors y = np.reshape(y, (y.size, 1)) xK = np.exp(-x**2 / (2 * vSigma**2)) / (sSigma * (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5) yK = np.exp(-y**2 / (2 * vSigma**2)) / (sSigma * (2 * np.pi) ** 0.5) # perform convolutions with voting kernel for vote-smoothing Votes = signal.convolve2d(Votes, xK, mode='full', boundary='fill') Votes = signal.convolve2d(Votes, yK, mode='full', boundary='fill') # crop voting image to size of original input image Votes = Votes[r + int(np.floor(x.size / 2)):-(r + int(np.ceil(x.size / 2))), r + int(np.floor(x.size / 2)):-(r + int(np.ceil(x.size / 2)))] # generate sets of potential seed points Seeds = [None] * np.arange(np.floor(10 * Psi) / 10, 0.9, 0.1).size for i, p in enumerate(np.arange(np.floor(10 * Psi) / 10, 0.9, 0.1)): Points = np.nonzero(Votes >= p * Votes.max()) Seeds[i] = np.column_stack((Points[0].transpose(), Points[1].transpose())) # concatenate seed point lists Seeds = np.vstack(Seeds) # run mean-shift algorithm to collect ms = cl.MeanShift(bandwidth=bw, bin_seeding=True) # build output tuple Output = collections.namedtuple('Output', ['X', 'Y']) Nuclei = Output(ms.cluster_centers_[:, 1], ms.cluster_centers_[:, 0]) return Nuclei, Votes