Source code for histomicstk.segmentation.level_set.reg_edge

import numpy as np

import histomicstk.utils as htk_utls

[docs] def reg_edge(im_input, im_phi, well='double', sigma=1.5, dt=1.0, mu=0.2, lambda_=1, alpha=-3, epsilon=1.5, iter=100): """Distance-regularized edge-based level sets. Distance-regularization is used in this edge-based level set implementation to avoid numerical problems requiring costly re-initialization. Provides cost terms for boundary length, area, and regularization of the level set function. Foreground objects are assumed to have larger intensity values than background. Parameters ---------- im_input : array_like A floating-point intensity image. im_phi : array_like A floating-point initialization of the level-set image. Interior values are set to -c0, and exterior values set to c0, where c0 > 0. well : string Choice of well function for regularization. Can be set to either 'single' or 'double' for single-well or double-well regularization, or any other value for no regularization. Default value = 'double'. sigma : double Standard deviation of smoothing filter for input image im_input. dt : double Time step for evolving im_phi. Default value = 1.0. mu : double Regularization weight for energy function. Default value = 0.2. lambda_ : double Boundary length weight for energy function. Default value = 1.0. alpha : double Area weight for energy function. A negative value is used to seed the interior of the foreground objects and then evolve the boundary outwards. A positive value assumes that the boundary begins outside the foreground objects and collapses to their high-gradient edges. Default value = -3. epsilon: double Coefficient used to smooth the Dirac and Heaviside functions. Default value = 1.5. iter: double Number of iterations to evolve curve level set function over. Default value = 100. Returns ------- im_phi : array_like An intensity image where the zero level set defines object boundaries. Can be further processed with fast marching methods or other to obtain smooth boundaries, or simply thresholded to define the object mask. See Also -------- histomicstk.segmentation.nuclear.gaussian_voting References ---------- .. [#] C. Li, C. Xu, C. Gui, M.D. Fox, "Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application to Image Segmentation," in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.19,no.12,pp.3243-54, 2010. """ import scipy.ndimage as ndi # smoothed gradient of input image sI = ndi.gaussian_filter(im_input, sigma, mode='constant', cval=0) dsI = np.gradient(sI) G = 1 / (1 + dsI[0]**2 + dsI[1]**2) dG = np.gradient(G) # perform regularized level-set evolutions with time step dt for i in range(iter): # fix boundary conditions im_phi = neumann_bounds(im_phi) # calculate gradient of level set image dPhi = np.gradient(im_phi) mPhi = (dPhi[0]**2 + dPhi[1]**2)**0.5 # gradient magnitude Curve = np.gradient(dPhi[0] / (mPhi + 1e-10))[0] + \ np.gradient(dPhi[1] / (mPhi + 1e-10))[1] # divergence # build regularization function if well == 'single': Reg = single_well(im_phi, Curve) elif well == 'double': Reg = double_well(im_phi, dPhi, mPhi, Curve, i) else: Reg = np.zeros(im_phi.shape) # area and boundary-length energy function terms iPhi = impulse(im_phi, epsilon) Area = iPhi * G Edge = iPhi * (dG[0] * (dPhi[0] / (mPhi + 1e-10)) + dG[1] * (dPhi[1] / (mPhi + 1e-10))) + iPhi * G * Curve # evolve level-set function im_phi = im_phi + dt * (mu * Reg + lambda_ * Edge + alpha * Area) # return evolved level-set function following iterations return im_phi
def initialize(Mask, c0=2): # initialize scaled binary-step image Phi0 = np.zeros(Mask.shape) Phi0[Mask > 0] = -c0 Phi0[Mask == 0] = c0 return Phi0 def single_well(Phi, Curve): # Single-well potential function return 4 * htk_utls.del2(Phi) - Curve def double_well(Phi, dPhi, mPhi, Curve, i): # Double-well potential function SmallMask = (mPhi <= 1) & (mPhi >= 0) LargeMask = (mPhi > 1) P = SmallMask * np.sin(2 * np.pi * mPhi) / \ (2 * np.pi) + LargeMask * (mPhi - 1) dP = ((P != 0) * P + (P == 0)) / ((mPhi != 0) * mPhi + (mPhi == 0)) Well = np.gradient(dP * dPhi[0] - dPhi[0])[0] + \ np.gradient(dP * dPhi[1] - dPhi[1])[1] + 4 * htk_utls.del2(Phi) return Well def impulse(X, Epsilon): # Smooth dirac delta function. # calculate smoothed impulse everywhere Xout = (1 + np.cos(np.pi * X / Epsilon)) / (2 * Epsilon) # zero out values |x| > Epsilon Xout[np.absolute(X) > Epsilon] = 0 return Xout def neumann_bounds(Phi): # Transform input to enforce Neumann boundary conditions. # copy input PhiOut = Phi # capture image size m = Phi.shape[0] n = Phi.shape[1] # deal with corners PhiOut[0, 0] = PhiOut[2, 2] PhiOut[0, n - 1] = PhiOut[0, -3] PhiOut[m - 1, 0] = PhiOut[-3, 2] PhiOut[m - 1, n - 1] = PhiOut[-3, -3] # deal with edges PhiOut[0, 1:-1] = PhiOut[2, 1:-1] PhiOut[m - 1, 1:-1] = PhiOut[m - 3, 1:-1] PhiOut[1:-1, 0] = PhiOut[1:-1, 2] PhiOut[1:-1, n - 1] = PhiOut[1:-1, n - 3] return PhiOut