import numpy as np
from .condense import condense
def split(im_label, conn=8):
"""Re-labels objects that have multiple non-contiguous portions to create
a new label image where each object is contiguous.
im_label : array_like
A uint32 type label image generated by segmentation methods.
conn : int
Neighborhood connectivity to define contiguity. Valid values are 4 or
8. Default value = 4.
Objects are assumed to have positive nonzero values.
Split : array_like
A uint32 label where discontiguous objects are split and relabeled.
See Also
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
# copy input image
Split = im_label.copy()
# define kernel for neighborhood
if conn == 8:
Kernel = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
elif conn == 4:
Kernel = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=bool)
Kernel[1, :] = True
Kernel[:, 1] = True
msg = "Input 'conn' must be 4 or 8"
raise ValueError(msg)
# condense label image
if np.unique(Split).size - 1 != Split.max():
Split = condense(Split)
# get locations of objects in initial image
Locations = ndi.find_objects(Split)
# initialize number of labeled objects
Total = Split.max()
# iterate through objects, replicating where needed
for i in np.arange(1, len(Locations) + 1):
# extract object from label image
Template = Split[Locations[i - 1]]
# label mask of object 'i'
L, Count = ndi.label(Template == i, Kernel)
# relabel if necessary
if Count > 1:
Template[L == 1] = i
for i in np.arange(2, Count + 1):
Template[L == i] = Total + 1
Total += 1
return Split