import shapely
def create_polygon(coordinates):
Create a shapely Polygon from a list of points.
points (list): A list containing tuples representing the points of the polygon.
shapely.geometry.Polygon: The polygon created from the points.
return shapely.geometry.Polygon(coordinates).buffer(0)
def convert_polygons_tobbox(nuclei_list):
Convert nuclei segmentation data from polygon format to bounding box format.
nuclei_list (list): A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a nuclei object.
list: The modified 'nuclei_list', where each nuclei object has been transformed
to a bounding box representation.
for nuclei in nuclei_list:
# Set 'type' property of the nuclei to 'rectangle'
nuclei['type'] = 'rectangle'
nuclei['rotation'] = 0
# Calculate the minimum and maximum x and y coordinates to obtain the bounding box.
minx = min(p[0] for p in nuclei['points'])
maxx = max(p[0] for p in nuclei['points'])
miny = min(p[1] for p in nuclei['points'])
maxy = max(p[1] for p in nuclei['points'])
# Calculate the center of the bounding box, width, height
nuclei['center'] = [(minx + maxx) / 2, (miny + maxy) / 2, 0]
nuclei['width'] = maxx - minx
nuclei['height'] = maxy - miny
# Remove the 'closed' and 'points'
return nuclei_list
def remove_overlap_nuclei(nuclei_list, nuclei_format, return_selected_nuclei=False):
Remove overlapping nuclei using spatial indexing and parallel processing.
This function removes overlapping nuclei polygons from input using an STRtree index.
nuclei_list (list): List of dictionaries with 'points' for polygons.
nuclei_format (str, optional): Output format ('polygon' or 'bbox').
return_selected (bool, optional): Return indices of selected nuclei (default: False).
output_list (list): New list with overlapping nuclei removed.
selected_nuclei (list, optional): Indices of selected nuclei.
polygons = [create_polygon(nuclei['points']) for nuclei in nuclei_list]
# Build the STRtree from all the polygons
rt = shapely.strtree.STRtree(polygons)
# Find and remove any overlapping polygons
output = [(nuclei, index) for index, nuclei in enumerate(nuclei_list) if not any(
ix for ix in rt.query(polygons[index])
if ix < index and polygons[index].intersects(polygons[ix]))]
output_list, selected_nuclei = (
zip(*output) if return_selected_nuclei else ([nuclei for nuclei, _ in output], []))
# if nuclei_format is bbox - convert polygons to bbox
if nuclei_format == 'bbox':
output_list = convert_polygons_tobbox(output_list)
if return_selected_nuclei:
return output_list, selected_nuclei
return output_list