Source code for histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.color_deconvolution

import collections

import numpy as np

import histomicstk.utils as utils
from histomicstk.preprocessing import color_conversion
from histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.find_stain_index import \
from histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.rgb_separate_stains_macenko_pca import \
from histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.rgb_separate_stains_xu_snmf import \
from histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.stain_color_map import \

from ._linalg import normalize
from .complement_stain_matrix import complement_stain_matrix

[docs] def color_deconvolution(im_rgb, w, I_0=None): """Perform color deconvolution. The given RGB Image `I` is first first transformed into optical density space, and then projected onto the stain vectors in the columns of the 3x3 stain matrix `W`. For deconvolving H&E stained image use: `w` = array([[0.650, 0.072, 0], [0.704, 0.990, 0], [0.286, 0.105, 0]]) Parameters ---------- im_rgb : array_like Input RGB Image that needs to be deconvolved. w : array_like A 3x3 matrix containing the color vectors in columns. For two stain images the third column is zero and will be complemented using cross-product. At least two of the three columns must be non-zero. I_0 : float or array_like, optional A float a 3-vector containing background RGB intensities. If unspecified, use the old OD conversion. Returns ------- Stains : array_like An rgb image where in each channel contains the image of the stain of the corresponding column in the stain matrix `W`. The intensity range of each channel is [0, 255] suitable for displaying. StainsFloat : array_like An intensity image of deconvolved stains that is unbounded, suitable for reconstructing color images of deconvolved stains with color_convolution. Wc : array_like A 3x3 complemented stain matrix. Useful for color image reconstruction with color_convolution. See Also -------- histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.complement_stain_matrix, histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.color_convolution histomicstk.preprocessing.color_conversion.rgb_to_od histomicstk.preprocessing.color_conversion.od_to_rgb histomicstk.preprocessing.color_conversion.rgb_to_sda histomicstk.preprocessing.color_conversion.sda_to_rgb """ # complement stain matrix if needed w = np.array(w) if w.shape[1] < 3: wc = np.zeros((w.shape[0], 3)) wc[:, :w.shape[1]] = w w = wc if np.linalg.norm(w[:, 2]) <= 1e-16: wc = complement_stain_matrix(w) else: wc = w # normalize stains to unit-norm wc = normalize(wc) # invert stain matrix Q = np.linalg.pinv(wc) # transform 3D input image to 2D RGB matrix format m = utils.convert_image_to_matrix(im_rgb)[:3] # transform input RGB to optical density values and deconvolve, # tfm back to RGB sda_fwd = color_conversion.rgb_to_sda(m, I_0) sda_deconv =, sda_fwd) sda_inv = color_conversion.sda_to_rgb(sda_deconv, 255 if I_0 is not None else None) # reshape output StainsFloat = utils.convert_matrix_to_image(sda_inv, im_rgb.shape) # transform type Stains = StainsFloat.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) # return Unmixed = collections.namedtuple('Unmixed', ['Stains', 'StainsFloat', 'Wc']) Output = Unmixed(Stains, StainsFloat, wc) return Output
def _reorder_stains(W, stains=None): """Reorder stains in a stain matrix to a specific order. This is particularly relevant in macenco where the order of stains is not preserved during stain unmixing, so this method uses histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.find_stain_index to reorder the stains matrix to the order provided by this parameter Parameters ---------- W : np array A 3x3 matrix of stain column vectors. stains : list, optional List of stain names (order is important). Default is H&E. Returns ------- np array A re-ordered 3x3 matrix of stain column vectors. """ stains = ['hematoxylin', 'eosin'] if stains is None else stains assert len(stains) == 2, 'Only two-stain matrices are supported for now.' def _get_channel_order(W): first = find_stain_index(stain_color_map[stains[0]], W) second = 1 - first # If 2 stains, third "stain" is cross product of 1st 2 channels # calculated using complement_stain_matrix() third = 2 return first, second, third def _ordered_stack(mat, order): return np.stack([mat[..., j] for j in order], -1) return _ordered_stack(W, _get_channel_order(W))
[docs] def stain_unmixing_routine( im_rgb, stains=None, stain_unmixing_method='macenko_pca', stain_unmixing_params=None, mask_out=None): """Perform stain unmixing using the method of choice (wrapper). Parameters ---------- im_rgb : array_like An RGB image (m x n x 3) to unmix. stains : list, optional List of stain names (order is important). Default is H&E. This is particularly relevant in macenco where the order of stains is not preserved during stain unmixing, so this method uses histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.find_stain_index to reorder the stains matrix to the order provided by this parameter stain_unmixing_method : str, default is 'macenko_pca' stain unmixing method to use. It should be one of the following 'macenko_pca', or 'xu_snmf'. stain_unmixing_params : dict, default is an empty dict kwargs to pass as-is to the stain unmixing method. mask_out : array_like, default is None if not None, should be (m x n) boolean numpy array. This parameter ensures exclusion of non-masked areas from calculations and normalization. This is relevant because elements like blood, sharpie marker, white space, etc may throw off the normalization. Returns ------- Wc : array_like A 3x3 complemented stain matrix. See Also -------- histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.separate_stains_macenko_pca histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.separate_stains_xu_snmf References ---------- .. [#] Macenko, M., Niethammer, M., Marron, J. S., Borland, D., Woosley, J. T., Guan, X., ... & Thomas, N. E. (2009, June). A method for normalizing histology slides for quantitative analysis. In Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2009. ISBI'09. IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 1107-1110). IEEE. .. [#] Xu, J., Xiang, L., Wang, G., Ganesan, S., Feldman, M., Shih, N. N., ...& Madabhushi, A. (2015). Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization (SNMF) based color unmixing for breast histopathological image analysis. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 46, 20-29. """ stains = ['hematoxylin', 'eosin'] if stains is None else stains stain_unmixing_params = {} if stain_unmixing_params is None else stain_unmixing_params stain_unmixing_method = stain_unmixing_method.lower() if stain_unmixing_method == 'macenko_pca': stain_deconvolution = rgb_separate_stains_macenko_pca stain_unmixing_params['I_0'] = None stain_unmixing_params['mask_out'] = mask_out elif stain_unmixing_method == 'xu_snmf': stain_deconvolution = rgb_separate_stains_xu_snmf stain_unmixing_params['I_0'] = None assert mask_out is None, 'Masking is not yet implemented in xu_snmf.' else: msg = 'Unknown/Unimplemented deconvolution method.' raise ValueError(msg) # get W_source W_source = stain_deconvolution(im_rgb, **stain_unmixing_params) # If Macenco method, reorder channels in W_target and W_source as desired. # This is actually a necessary step in macenko's method since we're # not guaranteed the order of the different stains. if stain_unmixing_method == 'macenko_pca': W_source = _reorder_stains(W_source, stains=stains) return W_source
[docs] def color_deconvolution_routine( im_rgb, W_source=None, mask_out=None, **kwargs): """Unmix stains mixing followed by deconvolution (wrapper). Parameters ---------- im_rgb : array_like An RGB image (m x n x 3) to color normalize W_source : np array, default is None A 3x3 matrix of source stain column vectors. Only provide this if you know the stains matrix in advance (unlikely) and would like to perform supervised deconvolution. If this is not provided, stain_unmixing_routine() is used to estimate W_source. mask_out : array_like, default is None if not None, should be (m x n) boolean numpy array. This parameter ensures exclusion of non-masked areas from calculations and stain matrix. This is relevant because elements like blood, sharpie marker, white space, cannot be modeled as a mix of two stains. kwargs : k,v pairs Passed as-is to stain_unmixing_routine() if W_source is None. Returns ------- Output from color_deconvolution() See Also -------- histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.stain_unmixing_routine histomicstk.preprocessing.color_deconvolution.color_deconvolution """ # get W_source if not provided if W_source is None: W_source = stain_unmixing_routine(im_rgb, mask_out=mask_out, **kwargs) # deconvolve Stains, StainsFloat, wc = color_deconvolution(im_rgb, w=W_source, I_0=None) # mask out (keep in mind, image is inverted) if mask_out is not None: for i in range(3): Stains[..., i][mask_out] = 255 StainsFloat[..., i][mask_out] = 255. return Stains, StainsFloat, wc