import numpy as np
def glog(im_input, alpha=1, range=None, theta=np.pi / 4, tau=0.6, eps=0.6):
"""Performs generalized Laplacian of Gaussian blob detection.
im_input : array_like
A hematoxylin intensity image obtained from ColorDeconvolution.
alpha : double
A positive scalar used to normalize the gLoG filter responses. Controls
the blob-center detection and eccentricities of detected blobs. Larger
values emphasize more eccentric blobs. Default value = 1.
range : array_like
Scale range
theta : double
Angular increment for rotating gLoG filters. Default value = np.pi / 6.
tau : double
Tolerance for counting pixels in determining optimal scale SigmaC
eps : double
range to define SigmaX surrounding SigmaC
Rsum : array_like
Sum of filter responses at specified scales and orientations
Maxima: : array_like
A binary mask highlighting maxima pixels
Return values are returned as a namedtuple
.. [#] H. Kong, H.C. Akakin, S.E. Sarma, "A Generalized Laplacian of
Gaussian Filter for Blob Detection and Its Applications," in IEEE
Transactions on Cybernetics, vol.43,no.6,pp.1719-33, 2013.
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from skimage import morphology
range = np.linspace(1.5, 3, int(np.round((3 - 1.5) / 0.2)) + 1) if range is None else range
# initialize sigma
Sigma = np.exp(range)
# generate circular LoG scale-space to determine range of SigmaX
l_g = 0
H = []
Bins = []
Min = np.zeros((len(Sigma), 1))
Max = np.zeros((len(Sigma), 1))
for i, s in enumerate(Sigma):
Response = s**2 * ndi.gaussian_laplace(im_input, s, output=None,
Min[i] = Response.min()
Max[i] = Response.max()
Bins.append(np.arange(0.01 * np.floor(Min[i] / 0.01),
0.01 * np.ceil(Max[i] / 0.01) + 0.01, 0.01))
Hist = np.histogram(Response, Bins[i])
if Max[i] > l_g:
l_g = Max[i]
# re-normalized based on global max and local min, count threshold pixels
Zeta = np.zeros((len(Sigma), 1))
for i, _s in enumerate(Sigma):
Bins[i] = (Bins[i] - Min[i]) / (l_g - Min[i])
Zeta[i] = np.sum(H[i][Bins[i][0:-1] > tau])
# identify best scale SigmaC based on maximum circular response
Index = np.argmax(Zeta)
# define range for SigmaX
XRange = range(max(Index - 2, 0), min(len(range), Index + 2) + 1)
SigmaX = np.exp(range[XRange])
# define rotation angles
Thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi - theta, int(np.round(np.pi / theta)))
# loop over SigmaX, SigmaY and then angle, summing up filter responses
Rsum = np.zeros(im_input.shape)
for i, Sx in enumerate(SigmaX):
YRange = range(0, XRange[i])
SigmaY = np.exp(range[YRange])
for Sy in SigmaY:
for Th in Thetas:
Kernel = glogkernel(Sx, Sy, Th)
Kernel *= (1 + np.log(Sx) ** alpha) * (1 + np.log(Sy) ** alpha)
Rsum += ndi.convolve(im_input, Kernel, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
print(Sx, Sy, Th)
Kernel = glogkernel(Sx, Sx, 0)
Kernel *= (1 + np.log(Sx) ** alpha) * (1 + np.log(Sx) ** alpha)
Rsum += ndi.convolve(im_input, Kernel, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
print(Sx, Sx, 0)
# detect local maxima
Disk = morphology.disk(3 * np.exp(range[Index]))
Maxima = ndi.maximum_filter(Rsum, footprint=Disk)
Maxima = Rsum == Maxima
return Rsum, Maxima
def glogkernel(sigma_x, sigma_y, theta):
N = np.ceil(2 * 3 * sigma_x)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, N, int(N + 1)) - N / 2,
np.linspace(0, N, int(N + 1)) - N / 2)
a = np.cos(theta) ** 2 / (2 * sigma_x ** 2) + \
np.sin(theta) ** 2 / (2 * sigma_y ** 2)
b = -np.sin(2 * theta) / (4 * sigma_x ** 2) + \
np.sin(2 * theta) / (4 * sigma_y ** 2)
c = np.sin(theta) ** 2 / (2 * sigma_x ** 2) + \
np.cos(theta) ** 2 / (2 * sigma_y ** 2)
D2Gxx = ((2 * a * X + 2 * b * Y)**2 - 2 * a) * np.exp(-(a * X**2 + 2 * b * X * Y + c * Y**2))
D2Gyy = ((2 * b * X + 2 * c * Y)**2 - 2 * c) * np.exp(-(a * X**2 + 2 * b * X * Y + c * Y**2))
Gaussian = np.exp(-(a * X**2 + 2 * b * X * Y + c * Y**2))
Kernel = (D2Gxx + D2Gyy) / np.sum(Gaussian.flatten())
return Kernel