import numpy as np
def clog(im_input, im_mask, sigma_min, sigma_max):
"""Constrained Laplacian of Gaussian filter.
Takes as input a grayscale nuclear image and binary mask of cell nuclei,
and uses the distance transform of the nuclear mask to constrain the LoG
filter response of the image for nuclear seeding. Returns a LoG filter
image of type float. Local maxima are used for seeding cells.
im_input : array_like
A hematoxylin intensity image obtained from ColorDeconvolution. Objects
are assumed to be dark with a light background.
im_mask : array_like
A binary image where nuclei pixels have value 1/True, and non-nuclear
pixels have value 0/False.
sigma_min : double
Minimum sigma value for the scale space. For blob detection, set this
equal to minimum-blob-radius / sqrt(2).
sigma_max : double
Maximum sigma value for the scale space. For blob detection, set this
equal to maximum-blob-radius / sqrt(2).
im_log_max : array_like
An intensity image containing the maximal LoG filter response across
all scales for each pixel
im_sigma_max : array_like
An intensity image containing the sigma value corresponding to the
maximal LoG response at each pixel. The nuclei/blob radius value for
a given sigma can be estimated to be equal to sigma * sqrt(2).
.. [#] Y. Al-Kofahi et al "Improved Automatic Detection and Segmentation
of Cell Nuclei in Histopathology Images" in IEEE Transactions on
Biomedical Engineering,vol.57,no.4,pp.847-52, 2010.
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt, gaussian_laplace
# convert intensity image type to float
im_input = im_input.astype(float)
# generate distance map
im_dmap = distance_transform_edt(im_mask)
# compute max sigma at each pixel as 2 times the distance to background
im_sigma_ubound = 2.0 * im_dmap
# clip max sigma values to specified range
im_sigma_ubound = np.clip(im_sigma_ubound, sigma_min, sigma_max)
# initialize log filter response array
MIN_FLOAT = np.finfo(im_input.dtype).min
im_log_max = np.zeros_like(im_input)
im_log_max[:, :] = MIN_FLOAT
im_sigma_max = np.zeros_like(im_input)
# Compute maximal LoG filter response across the scale space
sigma_start = int(np.floor(sigma_min))
sigma_end = int(np.ceil(sigma_max))
sigma_list = np.linspace(sigma_start, sigma_end,
int(sigma_end - sigma_start + 1))
for sigma in sigma_list:
# generate normalized filter response
im_log_cur = sigma**2 * gaussian_laplace(im_input, sigma, mode='mirror')
# constrain LoG response
im_log_cur[im_sigma_ubound < sigma] = MIN_FLOAT
# update maxima
max_update_pixels = np.where(im_log_cur > im_log_max)
if len(max_update_pixels[0]) > 0:
im_log_max[max_update_pixels] = im_log_cur[max_update_pixels]
im_sigma_max[max_update_pixels] = sigma
# replace min floats
im_log_max[im_log_max == MIN_FLOAT] = 0
return im_log_max, im_sigma_max