import math
import numpy as np
def cdog(im_input, im_mask, sigma_min, sigma_max, num_octave_levels=3):
"""SCale-adaptive Multiscale Difference-of-Gaussian (DoG) filter for
nuclei/blob detection.
Computes the maximal DoG response over a series of scales where in the
applicable scales at each pixel are constrained to be below an upper-bound
equal to 2 times the distance to the nearest non-nuclear/background pixel.
This function uses an approach similar to SIFT interest detection
where in the scale space between the specified min and max sigma values is
divided into octaves (scale/sigma is doubled after each octave) and each
octave is divided into sub-levels. The gaussian images are downsampled by 2
at the end of each octave to keep the size of convolutional filters small.
im_input : array_like
A hematoxylin intensity image obtained from ColorDeconvolution. Objects
are assumed to be dark with a light background.
mask : array_like
A binary image where nuclei pixels have non-zero values
sigma_min : double
Minimum sigma value for the scale space. For blob detection, set this
equal to minimum-blob-radius / sqrt(2).
sigma_max : double
Maximum sigma value for the scale space. For blob detection, set this
equal to maximum-blob-radius / sqrt(2).
num_octave_levels : int
Number of levels per octave in the scale space.
im_dog_max : array_like
An intensity image containing the maximal DoG response across
all scales for each pixel
im_sigma_max : array_like
An intensity image containing the sigma value corresponding to the
maximal LoG response at each pixel. The nuclei/blob radius for
a given sigma value can be calculated as sigma * sqrt(2).
.. [*] D.G. Lowe "Distinctive image features from scale-invariant
keypoints." International journal of computer vision, vol. 60,
no. 2, 91-110, 2004.
from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt, gaussian_filter
from skimage.transform import resize
im_input = im_input.astype(float)
# generate distance map
im_dmap = distance_transform_edt(im_mask)
# compute max sigma at each pixel as 2 times the distance to background
im_sigma_ubound = 2.0 * im_dmap
# clip max sigma values to specified range
im_sigma_ubound = np.clip(im_sigma_ubound, sigma_min, sigma_max)
# compute number of levels in the scale space
sigma_ratio = 2 ** (1.0 / num_octave_levels)
k = int(math.log(float(sigma_max) / sigma_min, sigma_ratio)) + 1
# Compute maximal DoG filter response across the scale space
sigma_cur = sigma_min
im_gauss_cur = gaussian_filter(im_input, sigma_cur)
im_sigma_ubound_cur = im_sigma_ubound.copy()
MIN_FLOAT = np.finfo(im_input.dtype).min
im_dog_max = np.zeros_like(im_input)
im_dog_max[:, :] = MIN_FLOAT
im_dog_octave_max = im_dog_max.copy()
im_sigma_max = np.zeros_like(im_input)
im_sigma_octave_max = np.zeros_like(im_input)
n_level = 0
n_octave = 0
for i in range(k + 1):
# calculate sigma at next level
sigma_next = sigma_cur * sigma_ratio
# Do cascaded convolution to keep convolutional kernel small
# G(a) * G(b) = G(sqrt(a^2 + b^2))
sigma_conv = np.sqrt(sigma_next ** 2 - sigma_cur ** 2)
sigma_conv /= 2.0 ** n_octave
im_gauss_next = gaussian_filter(im_gauss_cur, sigma_conv)
# compute DoG
im_dog_cur = im_gauss_next - im_gauss_cur
# constrain response
im_dog_cur[im_sigma_ubound_cur < sigma_cur] = MIN_FLOAT
# update maxima
max_update_pixels = np.where(im_dog_cur > im_dog_octave_max)
if len(max_update_pixels[0]) > 0:
im_dog_octave_max[max_update_pixels] = im_dog_cur[max_update_pixels]
im_sigma_octave_max[max_update_pixels] = sigma_cur
# print np.unique(im_sigma_octave_max)
# update cur sigma
sigma_cur = sigma_next
im_gauss_cur = im_gauss_next
# update level
n_level += 1
# Do additional processing at the end of each octave
if i == k or n_level == num_octave_levels:
# update maxima
if num_octave_levels > 0:
im_dog_octave_max_rszd = resize(
im_dog_octave_max, im_dog_max.shape, order=0)
im_dog_octave_max_rszd = im_dog_octave_max
max_pixels = np.where(
im_dog_octave_max_rszd > im_dog_max)
if len(max_pixels[0]) > 0:
im_dog_max[max_pixels] = \
if num_octave_levels > 0:
im_sigma_octave_max_rszd = resize(
im_sigma_octave_max, im_dog_max.shape, order=0)
im_sigma_octave_max_rszd = im_sigma_octave_max
im_sigma_max[max_pixels] = \
# downsample images by 2 at the end of each octave
if n_level == num_octave_levels:
im_gauss_cur = im_gauss_next[::2, ::2]
im_sigma_ubound_cur = im_sigma_ubound_cur[::2, ::2]
im_dog_octave_max = im_dog_octave_max[::2, ::2]
im_sigma_octave_max = im_sigma_octave_max[::2, ::2]
n_level = 0
n_octave += 1
# set min vals to min response
im_dog_max[im_dog_max == MIN_FLOAT] = 0
return im_dog_max, im_sigma_max