import numpy as np
def graycomatrixext(im_input, im_roi_mask=None,
offsets=None, num_levels=None, gray_limits=None,
symmetric=False, normed=False, exclude_boundary=False):
"""Computes gray-level co-occurence matrix (GLCM) within a region of
interest (ROI) of an image. GLCM is a 2D histogram/matrix containing the
counts/probabilities of co-occuring intensity values at a given offset
within an ROI of an image.
Read the documentation to know the default values used for each of the
optional parameter in different scenarios.
im_input : array_like
Input single channel intensity image
im_roi_mask : array_like, optional
A binary mask specifying the region of interest within which
to compute the GLCM. If not specified GLCM is computed for the
the entire image.
Default: None
offsets : array_like, optional
A (num_offsets, num_image_dims) array of offset vectors
specifying the distance between the pixel-of-interest and
its neighbor. Note that the first dimension corresponds to
the rows.
Because this offset is often expressed as an angle, the
following table lists the offset values that specify common
angles for a 2D image, given the pixel distance D.
=========== =============
Angle (deg) offset [y, x]
=========== =============
0 [0 D]
45 [-D D]
90 [-D 0]
135 [-D -D]
=========== =============
- 1D: np.array([1])
- 2D : numpy.array([ [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, -1] ])
- 3D and higher: numpy.identity(num_image_dims)
num_levels : unsigned int, optional
An integer specifying the number of gray levels For example, if
`NumLevels` is 8, the intensity values of the input image are
scaled so they are integers between 1 and 8. The number of gray
levels determines the size of the gray-level co-occurrence matrix.
Default: 2 for binary/logical image, 32 for numeric image
gray_limits : array_like, optional
A two-element array specifying the desired input intensity range.
Intensity values in the input image will be clipped into this range.
Default: [0, 1] for boolean-valued image, [0, 255] for integer-valued
image, and [0.0, 1.0] for-real valued image
symmetric : bool, optional
A boolean value that specifies whether or not the ordering of values
in pixel pairs is considered while creating the GLCM matrix.
For example, if `Symmetric` is True, then while calculating the
number of times the value 1 is adjacent to the value 2, both
1,2 and 2,1 pairings are counted. GLCM created in this way is
symmetric across its diagonal.
Default: False
normed : bool, optional
A boolean value specifying whether or not to normalize glcm.
Default: False
exclude_boundary : bool, optional
Specifies whether or not to exclude a pixel-pair if the
neighboring pixel in the pair is outside `im_roi_mask`.
Has an effect only when `im_roi_mask` is specified.
Default: False
glcm : array_like
num_levels x num_levels x num_offsets array containing the GLCM
for each offset.
.. [#] Haralick, R.M., K. Shanmugan, and I. Dinstein, "Textural Features
for Image Classification", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-3, 1973, pp. 610-621.
.. [#] Haralick, R.M., and L.G. Shapiro. Computer and Robot Vision:
Vol. 1, Addison-Wesley, 1992, p. 459.
num_dims = len(im_input.shape)
# roi mask
if im_roi_mask is None:
# compute glcm for whole input image
im_roi_mask = np.ones_like(im_input, dtype='bool')
if im_input.shape != im_roi_mask.shape:
msg = 'size mismatch between input image and roi mask'
raise ValueError(msg)
# gray_limits
if gray_limits is None:
gray_limits = _default_gray_limits(im_input)
assert len(gray_limits) == 2
assert gray_limits[0] < gray_limits[1]
# num_levels
if num_levels is None:
num_levels = _default_num_levels(im_input)
# offsets
if offsets is None:
# set default offset value
offsets = _default_offsets(im_input)
# check sanity
if offsets.shape[1] != num_dims:
msg = 'Dimension mismatch between input image and offsets'
raise ValueError(
num_offsets = offsets.shape[0]
# scale input intensity image
im_input = im_input.astype('float')
im_input -= gray_limits[0]
im_input /= float(gray_limits[1] - gray_limits[0])
im_input *= (num_levels - 1)
im_input = np.round(im_input).astype('int')
# compute glcm for each offset
glcm = np.zeros((num_levels, num_levels, num_offsets))
im_input_flat = np.ravel(im_input)
im_roi_mask_flat = np.ravel(im_roi_mask)
roi_coord_ind = np.nonzero(im_roi_mask)
roi_lin_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(roi_coord_ind, im_roi_mask.shape)
for i in range(num_offsets):
# compute indices of neighboring pixels by applying the offset
neigh_coord_ind = [None] * len(roi_coord_ind)
for j in range(num_dims):
neigh_coord_ind[j] = roi_coord_ind[j] + offsets[i, j]
# throw out pixels with invalid neighbors
neigh_valid = np.ones_like(neigh_coord_ind[0], dtype='bool')
for j in range(num_dims):
neigh_valid[neigh_coord_ind[j] < 0] = False
neigh_valid[neigh_coord_ind[j] >= im_roi_mask.shape[j]] = False
for j in range(num_dims):
neigh_coord_ind[j] = np.compress(neigh_valid, neigh_coord_ind[j],
neigh_lin_ind = np.ravel_multi_index(neigh_coord_ind,
if exclude_boundary:
neigh_valid[im_roi_mask_flat[neigh_lin_ind] == 0] = False
neigh_lin_ind = np.compress(neigh_valid, neigh_lin_ind, axis=0)
valid_roi_lin_ind = np.compress(neigh_valid, roi_lin_ind, axis=0)
# get intensities of pixel pairs which become coord indices in glcm
p1 = np.take(im_input_flat, valid_roi_lin_ind, axis=0)
p2 = np.take(im_input_flat, neigh_lin_ind, axis=0)
# convert pixel-pair values to linear indices in glcm
pind = np.ravel_multi_index((p1, p2), glcm.shape[:2])
# find unique linear indices and their counts
pind, pcount = np.unique(pind, return_counts=True)
# put count of each linear index in glcm
cur_glcm = np.zeros((num_levels, num_levels))
cur_glcm_flat = np.ravel(cur_glcm)
cur_glcm_flat[pind] = pcount
# symmetricize if asked for
if symmetric:
cur_glcm += cur_glcm.T
# normalize if asked
if normed and cur_glcm.sum():
cur_glcm /= cur_glcm.sum()
glcm[:, :, i] = cur_glcm
return glcm
def _default_gray_limits(im_input):
assert isinstance(im_input, np.ndarray)
if np.issubdtype(im_input.dtype, np.bool_):
gray_limits = [0, 1]
elif np.issubdtype(im_input.dtype, np.integer):
gray_limits = [0, 255]
elif np.issubdtype(im_input.dtype, np.floating):
gray_limits = [0.0, 1.0]
msg = 'The type of the argument im_input is invalid'
raise ValueError(msg)
return gray_limits
def _default_num_levels(im_input):
assert isinstance(im_input, np.ndarray)
if np.issubdtype(im_input.dtype, np.bool_):
num_levels = 2
elif np.issubdtype(im_input.dtype, np.number):
num_levels = 32
msg = 'The type of the argument im_input is invalid'
raise ValueError(msg)
return num_levels
def _default_offsets(im_input):
num_dims = len(im_input.shape)
if num_dims == 2:
offsets = np.array([
[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, -1],
# TODO: need to come up with a better strategy for 3D and higher
offsets = np.identity(num_dims)
return offsets