Source code for histomicstk.features.compute_global_cell_graph_features

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg

PopStats = namedtuple('PopStats', ['mean', 'stddev', 'min_max_ratio', 'disorder'])
PolyProps = namedtuple('PolyProps', ['area', 'peri', 'max_dist'])
TriProps = namedtuple('TriProps', ['sides', 'area'])
DensityProps = namedtuple('DensityProps', ['neighbors_in_distance',
Props = namedtuple('Props', ['voronoi', 'delaunay', 'mst_branches', 'density'])

[docs] def compute_global_cell_graph_features( centroids, neighbor_distances=None, neighbor_counts=(3, 5, 7), ): r"""Compute global (i.e., not per-nucleus) features of the nuclei with the given centroids based on the partitioning of the space into Voronoi cells and on the induced graph structure. Parameters ---------- centroids : array_like Nx2 numpy array of nuclear centroids neighbor_distances : array_like Radii to count neighbors in neighbor_counts : sequence Sequence of numbers of neighbors, each of which is used to compute statistics relating to the distance required to reach that many neighbors. Returns ------- props : pandas.DataFrame A single-row DataFrame with the following columns: - voronoi\_...: Voronoi diagram features - area\_...: Polygon area features - peri\_...: Polygon perimeter features - max_dist\_...: Maximum distance in polygon features - delaunay\_...: Delaunay triangulation features - sides\_...: Triangle side length features - area\_...: Triangle area features - mst_branches\_...: Minimum spanning tree branch features - density\_...: Density features - neighbors_in_distance\_... - 0, 1, ..., len(neighbor_distances) - 1: Neighbor count within given radius features. - distance_for_neighbors\_... - 0, 1, ..., len(neighbor_counts) - 1: Minimum distance to enclose count neighbors features The "..."s are meant to signify that what precedes is the start of a column name. At the end of each column name is one of 'mean', 'stddev', 'min_max_ratio', and 'disorder'. 'min_max_ratio' is the minimum-to-maximum ratio, and disorder is stddev / (mean + stddev). Note ---- The indices for the density features are with respect to the *sorted* values of the corresponding argument sequence. References ---------- .. [#] Doyle, S., Agner, S., Madabhushi, A., Feldman, M., & Tomaszewski, J. (2008, May). Automated grading of breast cancer histopathology using spectral clustering with textural and architectural image features. In Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 496-499). IEEE. """ if neighbor_distances is None: neighbor_distances = 10. * np.arange(1, 6) return _flatten_to_dataframe(_compute_global_cell_graph_features( centroids, neighbor_distances, neighbor_counts, ))
def _compute_global_cell_graph_features( centroids, neighbor_distances, neighbor_counts, ): """Internal support for compute_global_cell_graph_features that returns its result in a nested nametuple structure instead of a pandas DataFrame. """ from scipy import sparse from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree from scipy.spatial import Voronoi from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist vor = Voronoi(centroids) centroids = vor.points vertices = vor.vertices regions = [r for r in vor.regions if r and -1 not in r] areas = np.array([_poly_area(vertices[r]) for r in regions]) peris = np.array([_poly_peri(vertices[r]) for r in regions]) max_dists = np.array([pdist(vertices[r]).max() for r in regions]) poly_props = PolyProps._make(map(_pop_stats, (areas, peris, max_dists))) # Assume that each Voronoi vertex is on exactly three ridges. ridge_points = vor.ridge_points # This isn't exactly the collection of sides, since if they should # be counted per-triangle then we weight border ridges wrong # relative to ridges that are part of two triangles. ridge_lengths = _dist(*np.swapaxes(centroids[ridge_points], 0, 1)) sides = ridge_lengths # Point indices of each triangle tris = [[] for _ in vertices] for p, ri in enumerate(vor.point_region): for vi in vor.regions[ri]: if vi != -1: tris[vi].append(p) # This will only fail in particular symmetrical cases where a # Voronoi vertex is associated with more than three centroids. # Since this should be unlikely in practice, we don't handle it # beyond throwing an AssertionError assert all(len(t) == 3 for t in tris) tris = np.asarray(tris) areas = np.array([_poly_area(centroids[t]) for t in tris]) tri_props = TriProps._make(map(_pop_stats, (sides, areas))) graph = sparse.coo_matrix((ridge_lengths, np.sort(ridge_points).T), (len(centroids), len(centroids))) mst = minimum_spanning_tree(graph) # Without looking into exactly how minimum_spanning_tree # constructs its output, elimate any explicit zeros to be on the # safe side. mst_branches = _pop_stats([ != 0]) tree = KDTree(centroids) neighbors_in_distance = { # Yes, we just throw away the actual points r: _pop_stats(np.stack(np.array(list(map(len, tree.query_ball_tree(tree, r))))) - 1) for r in neighbor_distances } distance_for_neighbors = dict(zip( neighbor_counts, map(_pop_stats, tree.query(centroids, [c + 1 for c in neighbor_counts])[0].T), )) density_props = DensityProps(neighbors_in_distance, distance_for_neighbors) return Props(poly_props, tri_props, mst_branches, density_props) def _poly_area(vertices): return abs(_poly_signed_area(vertices)) def _poly_signed_area(vertices): return .5 * linalg.det( np.stack((vertices, np.roll(vertices, -1, axis=-2)), -1), ).sum(-1) def _poly_peri(vertices): return _dist(vertices, np.roll(vertices, -1, axis=-2)).sum(-1) def _dist(x, y): """Compute the distance between two sets of points. Has signature (i),(i)->(). """ return (np.subtract(x, y) ** 2).sum(-1) ** .5 def _pop_stats(pop): # Filter out outliers (here defined as points more than three # standard deviations away from the mean) while True: mean = pop.mean() stddev = pop.std() mask = abs(pop - mean) <= 3 * stddev if mask.all(): break pop = pop[mask] minmaxr = pop.min() / pop.max() disorder = stddev / (mean + stddev) return PopStats(mean, stddev, minmaxr, disorder) def _flatten_to_dataframe(nt): """Flatten the result of _compute_global_cell_graph_features to the DataFrame returned by compute_global_cell_graph_features. """ from pandas import DataFrame return DataFrame(_flatten_to_dict(nt), index=[0]) def _flatten_to_dict(nt, prefix=''): result = {} assert isinstance(nt, (tuple, dict)) if isinstance(nt, tuple): d = nt._asdict() else: # nt is a dict # We only have numeric keys, and they may be non-nice floats, # so just number them by sort order instead of doing something # else for names d = {str(i): kv[1] for i, kv in enumerate(sorted(nt.items()))} for k, v in d.items(): if not isinstance(v, (tuple, dict)): # Terminate result[prefix + k] = v else: result.update(_flatten_to_dict(v, prefix + k + '_')) return result