Source code for histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.review_gallery

import io
import os
import tempfile

import numpy as np
import pyvips
from imageio import imwrite
from PIL import Image

from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils import (
    get_image_from_htk_response, get_scale_factor_and_appendStr)
from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotations_to_masks_handler import \
from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotations_to_object_mask_handler import \
from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.masks_to_annotations_handler import \
from histomicstk.workflows.workflow_runner import (Slide_iterator,


# source:
# source 2:
# source 3:
# source 4:

# map np dtypes to vips
    'uint8': 'uchar',
    'int8': 'char',
    'uint16': 'ushort',
    'int16': 'short',
    'uint32': 'uint',
    'int32': 'int',
    'float32': 'float',
    'float64': 'double',
    'complex64': 'complex',
    'complex128': 'dpcomplex',

# map vips formats to np dtypes
    'uchar': np.uint8,
    'char': np.int8,
    'ushort': np.uint16,
    'short': np.int16,
    'uint': np.uint32,
    'int': np.int32,
    'float': np.float32,
    'double': np.float64,
    'complex': np.complex64,
    'dpcomplex': np.complex128,

[docs] def get_all_rois_from_folder_v2( gc, folderid, get_all_rois_kwargs, monitor=''): """Get all rois in a girder folder using get_all_rois_from_slide_v2(). Parameters ---------- gc : girder_client.Girder_Client authenticated girder client folderid : str girder id of folder get_all_rois_kwargs : dict kwargs to pass to get_all_rois_from_slide_v2() monitor : str monitor prefix Returns ------- None """ def _get_all_rois(slide_id, monitorPrefix, **kwargs): sld = gc.get('/item/%s' % slide_id) if '.' not in sld['name']: sld['name'] += '.' sldname = sld['name'][:sld['name'].find('.')].replace('/', '_#_') return get_all_rois_from_slide_v2( slide_id=slide_id, monitorprefix=monitorPrefix, # encoding slide id makes things easier later slide_name='%s_id-%s' % (sldname, slide_id), **kwargs) # update with params get_all_rois_kwargs['gc'] = gc # pull annotations for each slide in folder workflow_runner = Workflow_runner( slide_iterator=Slide_iterator( gc, source_folder_id=folderid, keep_slides=None, ), workflow=_get_all_rois, workflow_kwargs=get_all_rois_kwargs, monitorPrefix=monitor, )
def _get_visualization_zoomout( gc, slide_id, bounds, MPP, MAG, zoomout=4): """Get a zoomed out visualization of ROI RGB and annotation overlay. Parameters ---------- gc : girder_client.Girder_Client authenticated girder client slide_id : str girder ID of slide bounds : dict bounds of the region of interest. Must contain the keys XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX MPP : float Microns per pixel. MAG : float Magnification. MPP overrides this. zoomout : float how much to zoom out Returns ------- np.array Zoomed out visualization. Output from _visualize_annotations_on_rgb(). """ # get append string for server request if MPP is not None: getsf_kwargs = { 'MPP': MPP * (zoomout + 1), 'MAG': None, } elif MAG is not None: getsf_kwargs = { 'MPP': None, 'MAG': MAG / (zoomout + 1), } else: getsf_kwargs = { 'MPP': None, 'MAG': None, } sf, appendStr = get_scale_factor_and_appendStr( gc=gc, slide_id=slide_id, **getsf_kwargs) # now get low-magnification surrounding field x_margin = (bounds['XMAX'] - bounds['XMIN']) * zoomout / 2 y_margin = (bounds['YMAX'] - bounds['YMIN']) * zoomout / 2 getStr = \ '/item/%s/tiles/region?left=%d&right=%d&top=%d&bottom=%d' \ % (slide_id, max(0, bounds['XMIN'] - x_margin), bounds['XMAX'] + x_margin, max(0, bounds['YMIN'] - y_margin), bounds['YMAX'] + y_margin) getStr += appendStr resp = gc.get(getStr, jsonResp=False) rgb_zoomout = get_image_from_htk_response(resp) # plot a bounding box at the ROI region xmin = x_margin * sf xmax = xmin + (bounds['XMAX'] - bounds['XMIN']) * sf ymin = y_margin * sf ymax = ymin + (bounds['YMAX'] - bounds['YMIN']) * sf xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = (str(int(j)) for j in (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) contours_list = [{ 'color': 'rgb(255,255,0)', 'coords_x': ','.join([xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin, xmin]), 'coords_y': ','.join([ymin, ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin]), }] return _visualize_annotations_on_rgb(rgb_zoomout, contours_list) def _get_review_visualization(rgb, vis, vis_zoomout): """Get a visualization of rgb and annotations for rapid review. Parameters ---------- rgb : np.array mxnx3 rgb image vis : np.array visualization of rgb with overlaid annotations vis_zoomout same as vis, but at a lower magnififcation. Returns ------- np.array visualization to be used for gallery """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt wmax = max(vis.shape[1], vis_zoomout.shape[1]) hmax = max(vis.shape[0], vis_zoomout.shape[0]) fig, ax = plt.subplots( 1, 3, dpi=100, figsize=(3 * wmax / 1000, hmax / 1000), gridspec_kw={'wspace': 0.01, 'hspace': 0}, ) ax[0].imshow(vis) ax[1].imshow(rgb) ax[2].imshow(vis_zoomout) for axis in ax: axis.axis('off') fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0, top=1, left=0, right=1) buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png', pad_inches=0, dpi=1000) combined_vis = np.uint8([..., :3] plt.close() return combined_vis def _plot_rapid_review_vis( roi_out, gc, slide_id, slide_name, MPP, MAG, combinedvis_savepath, zoomout=4, verbose=False, monitorprefix=''): """Plot a visualization for rapid review of ROI. This is a callback to be called inside get_all_rois_from_slide_v2(). Parameters ---------- roi_out : dict output from annotations_to_contours_no_mask() gc : girder_client.Girder_Client authenticated girder client slide_id : str girder slide id slide_name : str name of the slide MPP : float microns per pixel MAG : float magnification. superseded by MPP. combinedvis_savepath : str path to save the combined visualization zoomout : float how much to zoom out to get the gallery visualization verbose : bool print statements to screen monitorprefix : str text to prepent to printed statements Returns ------- dict roi_out parameter whether or not it is modified """ # get rgb and visualization (fetched mag + lower mag) vis_zoomout = _get_visualization_zoomout( gc=gc, slide_id=slide_id, bounds=roi_out['bounds'], MPP=MPP, MAG=MAG, zoomout=zoomout) # combined everything in a neat visualization for rapid review ROINAMESTR = '%s_left-%d_top-%d_bottom-%d_right-%d' % ( slide_name, roi_out['bounds']['XMIN'], roi_out['bounds']['YMIN'], roi_out['bounds']['YMAX'], roi_out['bounds']['XMAX']) savename = os.path.join(combinedvis_savepath, ROINAMESTR + '.png') rapid_review_vis = _get_review_visualization( rgb=roi_out['rgb'], vis=roi_out['visualization'], vis_zoomout=vis_zoomout) # save visualization for later use if verbose: print('%s: Saving %s' % (monitorprefix, savename)) imwrite(im=rapid_review_vis, uri=savename) return roi_out
[docs] def create_review_galleries( tilepath_base, upload_results=True, gc=None, gallery_savepath=None, gallery_folderid=None, padding=25, tiles_per_row=2, tiles_per_column=5, annprops=None, url=None, nameprefix=''): """Create and or post review galleries for rapid review. Parameters ---------- tilepath_base : str directory where combined visualization. upload_results : bool upload results to DSA? gc : girder_client.Girder_Client authenticated girder client. Only needed upload_results. gallery_savepath : str directory to save gallery. Only if upload_results. gallery_folderid : str girder ID of folder to post galleries. Only if upload_result. padding : int padding in pixels between tiles in same gallery. tiles_per_row : int how many visualization tiles per row in gallery. tiles_per_column : int how many visualization tiles per column in gallery. annprops : dict properties of the annotations to be posted to DSA. Passed directly as annprops to get_annotation_documents_from_contours() url : str url of the Digital Slide Archive Instance. For example: nameprefix : str prefix to prepend to gallery name Returns ------- list each entry is a dict representing the response of the server post request to upload the gallery to DSA. """ from pandas import DataFrame if upload_results: for par in ('gc', 'gallery_folderid', 'url'): if locals()[par] is None: raise Exception( '%s cannot be None if upload_results!' % par) if gallery_savepath is None: gallery_savepath = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='gallery-') savepaths = [] resps = [] tile_paths = sorted([ os.path.join(tilepath_base, j) for j in os.listdir(tilepath_base) if j.endswith('.png')]) def _parse_tilepath(tpath): basename = os.path.basename(tpath) basename = basename[:basename.rfind('.')] tileinfo = {'slide_name': basename.split('_')[0]} for attrib in ['id', 'left', 'top', 'bottom', 'right']: tileinfo[attrib] = basename.split( attrib + '-')[1].split('_')[0] # add URL in histomicsTK tileinfo['URL'] = url + \ 'histomicstk#?image=%s&bounds=%s%%2C%s%%2C%s%%2C%s%%2C0' % ( tileinfo['id'], tileinfo['left'], tileinfo['top'], tileinfo['right'], tileinfo['bottom']) return tileinfo n_tiles = len(tile_paths) n_galleries = int(np.ceil(n_tiles / (tiles_per_row * tiles_per_column))) tileidx = 0 for galno in range(n_galleries): # this makes a 8-bit, mono image (initializes as 1x1x3 matrix) im =, 1, bands=3) # this will store the roi contours contours = [] for _row in range(tiles_per_column): rowpos = im.height + padding # initialize "row" strip image row_im =, 1, bands=3) for _col in range(tiles_per_row): if tileidx == n_tiles: break tilepath = tile_paths[tileidx] print('Inserting tile %d of %d: %s' % ( tileidx, n_tiles, tilepath)) tileidx += 1 # # get tile from file tile = pyvips.Image.new_from_file( tilepath, access='sequential') # insert tile into mosaic row colpos = row_im.width + padding row_im = row_im.insert( tile[:3], colpos, 0, expand=True, background=255) if upload_results: tileinfo = _parse_tilepath(tilepath) xmin = colpos ymin = rowpos xmax = xmin + tile.width ymax = ymin + tile.height xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = ( str(j) for j in (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) contours.append({ 'group': tileinfo['slide_name'], 'label': tileinfo['URL'], 'color': 'rgb(0,0,0)', 'coords_x': ','.join([xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin, xmin]), 'coords_y': ','.join([ymin, ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin]), }) # Add a small contour so that when the pathologist # changes the label to approve or disapprove of the # FOV, the URL in THIS contour (a link to the original # FOV) can be used. We place it in the top right corner. boxsize = 25 xmin = str(int(xmax) - boxsize) ymax = str(int(ymin) + boxsize) contours.append({ 'group': tileinfo['slide_name'], 'label': tileinfo['URL'], 'color': 'rgb(0,0,0)', 'coords_x': ','.join([xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin, xmin]), 'coords_y': ','.join([ymin, ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin]), }) # insert row into main gallery im = im.insert(row_im, 0, rowpos, expand=True, background=255) filename = '%s_gallery-%d' % (nameprefix, galno + 1) savepath = os.path.join(gallery_savepath, filename + '.tiff') print('Saving gallery %d of %d to %s' % ( galno + 1, n_galleries, savepath)) # save temporarily to disk to be uploaded im.tiffsave( savepath, tile=True, tile_width=256, tile_height=256, pyramid=True) if upload_results: # upload the gallery to DSA resps.append(gc.uploadFileToFolder( folderId=gallery_folderid, filepath=savepath, filename=filename)) os.remove(savepath) # get and post FOV location annotations annotation_docs = get_annotation_documents_from_contours( DataFrame(contours), separate_docs_by_group=True, annprops=annprops) for doc in annotation_docs: _ = '/annotation?itemId=' + resps[-1]['itemId'], json=doc) else: savepaths.append(savepath) return resps if upload_results else savepaths