Created on Thu Dec 12 13:19:18 2019
@author: tageldim
import copy
import json
import os
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean, Integer, String
from histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask_utils import \
from histomicstk.utils.girder_convenience_utils import \
from histomicstk.workflows.workflow_runner import (Slide_iterator,
# Helper functions
def _add_item_to_sqlite(dbcon, item):
from pandas import DataFrame
# modify item info to prep for appending to sqlite table
item_info = copy.deepcopy(item)
item_info['largeImage'] = str(item_info['largeImage'])
item_info_dtypes = {
'_id': String(),
'_modelType': String(),
'baseParentId': String(),
'baseParentType': String(),
'copyOfItem': String(),
'created': String(),
'creatorId': String(),
'description': String(),
'folderId': String(),
'largeImage': String(),
'name': String(),
'size': Integer(),
'updated': String(),
# in case anything is not in the schema, drop it
item_info = {
k: v for k, v in item_info.items()
if k in item_info_dtypes.keys()}
# convert to df and add to items table
item_info_df = DataFrame.from_dict(item_info, orient='index').T
name='items', con=dbcon, if_exists='append',
dtype=item_info_dtypes, index=False)
def _add_folder_to_sqlite(dbcon, folder_info):
from pandas import DataFrame
# modify folder info to prep for appending to sqlite table
folder_info_dtypes = {
'_accessLevel': Integer(),
'_id': String(),
'_modelType': String(),
'baseParentId': String(),
'baseParentType': String(),
'created': String(),
'creatorId': String(),
'description': String(),
'name': String(),
'parentCollection': String(),
'parentId': String(),
'public': Boolean(),
'size': Integer(),
'updated': String(),
'folder_path': String(),
# in case anything is not in the schema, drop it
folder_info = {
k: v for k, v in folder_info.items()
if k in folder_info_dtypes.keys()}
# convert to df and add to items table
folder_info_df = DataFrame.from_dict(folder_info, orient='index').T
name='folders', con=dbcon, if_exists='append',
dtype=folder_info_dtypes, index=False)
def _add_annotation_docs_to_sqlite(dbcon, annotation_docs, item):
# add full item path for convenience
annotation_docs.loc[:, 'item_name'] = item['name']
# save tables to sqlite
name='annotation_docs', con=dbcon, if_exists='append',
'annotation_girder_id': String(),
'_modelType': String(),
'_version': Integer(),
'itemId': String(),
'item_name': String(),
'created': String(),
'creatorId': String(),
'public': Boolean(),
'updated': String(),
'updatedId': String(),
'groups': String(),
'element_count': Integer(),
'element_details': Integer()},
def _add_annotation_elements_to_sqlite(dbcon, annotation_elements):
# drop index relative to JSON since its pretty arbitrary and would
# change if the same girder client was used to get annotations twice
# the actual girder ID string is what really matters and should be used
labels=['annidx', 'elementidx'], axis=1, inplace=True)
name='annotation_elements', con=dbcon, if_exists='append',
'annotation_girder_id': String(),
'element_girder_id': String(),
'type': String(),
'group': String(),
'label': String(),
'color': String(),
'xmin': Integer(),
'xmax': Integer(),
'ymin': Integer(),
'ymax': Integer(),
'bbox_area': Integer(),
'coords_x': String(),
'coords_y': String()},
def parse_annotations_to_local_tables(
item, annotations, local, monitorPrefix='',
save_csv=True, save_sqlite=False, dbcon=None):
"""Parse loaded annotations for slide into tables.
item : dict
girder response with item information
annotations : dict
loaded annotations
local : str
local directory
save_csv : bool
whether to use histomicstk.annotations_and_masks.annotation_and_mask.
parse_slide_annotations_into_tables() to get a tabular representation
(including some simple calculations like bounding box) and save
the output as two csv files, one representing the annotation documents
and the other representing the actual annotation elements (polygons).
save_sqlite : bool
whether to save the backup into an sqlite database
dbcon : sqlalchemy.create_engine.connect() object
IGNORE THIS PARAMETER!! This is used internally.
monitorPrefix : str
text to prepend to printed statements
print('%s: parse to tables' % monitorPrefix)
savepath_base = os.path.join(local, item['name'])
annotation_docs, annotation_elements = \
if save_csv:
annotation_docs.to_csv(savepath_base + '_docs.csv')
annotation_elements.to_csv(savepath_base + '_elements.csv')
if save_sqlite:
assert dbcon is not None, 'You must connect to database first!'
_add_annotation_docs_to_sqlite(dbcon, annotation_docs, item)
_add_annotation_elements_to_sqlite(dbcon, annotation_elements)
# Workflow at a single slide level
def dump_annotations_workflow(
gc, slide_id, local, monitorPrefix='',
save_json=True, save_sqlite=False, dbcon=None,
callback=None, callback_kwargs=None):
"""Dump annotations for single slide into the local folder.
gc : girder_client.GirderClient
authenticated girder client instance
slide_id : str
girder id of item (slide)
monitorPrefix : str
prefix to monitor string
local : str
local path to dump annotations
save_json : bool
whether to dump annotations as json file
save_sqlite : bool
whether to save the backup into an sqlite database
dbcon : sqlalchemy.create_engine.connect() object
IGNORE THIS PARAMETER!! This is used internally.
callback : function
function to call that takes in AT LEAST the following params
- item: girder response with item information
- annotations: loaded annotations
- local: local directory
- monitorPrefix: string
callback_kwargs : dict
kwargs to pass along to callback
callback_kwargs = callback_kwargs or {}
item = gc.get('/item/%s' % slide_id)
savepath_base = os.path.join(local, item['name'])
# dump item information json
if save_json:
print('%s: save item info' % monitorPrefix)
with open(savepath_base + '.json', 'w') as fout:
json.dump(item, fout)
# save folder info to sqlite
if save_sqlite:
_add_item_to_sqlite(dbcon, item)
# pull annotation
print('%s: load annotations' % monitorPrefix)
annotations = gc.get('/annotation/item/' + item['_id'])
if annotations is not None:
# dump annotations to JSON in local folder
if save_json:
print('%s: save annotations' % monitorPrefix)
with open(savepath_base + '_annotations.json', 'w') as fout:
json.dump(annotations, fout)
# run callback
if callback is not None:
print('%s: run callback' % monitorPrefix)
item=item, annotations=annotations, local=local,
dbcon=dbcon, monitorPrefix=monitorPrefix,
except Exception as e:
# Main method
def dump_annotations_locally(
gc, folderid, local, save_json=True,
save_sqlite=False, dbcon=None,
callback=None, callback_kwargs=None):
"""Dump annotations of folder and subfolders locally recursively.
This reproduces this tiered structure locally and (possibly) dumps
annotations there. Adapted from Lee A.D. Cooper
gc : girder_client.GirderClient
authenticated girder client instance
folderid : str
girder id of source (base) folder
local : str
local path to dump annotations
save_json : bool
whether to dump annotations as json file
save_sqlite : bool
whether to save the backup into an sqlite database
dbcon : sqlalchemy.create_engine.connect() object
IGNORE THIS PARAMETER!! This is used internally.
callback : function
function to call that CAN accept AT LEAST the following params
- item: girder response with item information
- annotations: loaded annotations
- local: local directory
- monitorPrefix: string
- dbcon: sqlalchemy.create_engine.connect() object
You can just add kwargs at the end of your callback definition
for simplicity.
callback_kwargs : dict
kwargs to pass along to callback. DO NOT pass any of the parameters
item, annotations, local, monitorPrefix, or dbcon as these will be
internally passed. Just include any specific parameters for the
callback. See parse_annotations_to_local_tables() above for
an example of a callback and the unir test of this function.
callback_kwargs = callback_kwargs or {}
assert save_json or save_sqlite, 'must save results somehow!'
monitor = os.path.basename(local)
# get folder info
folder_info = gc.get('folder/%s' % folderid)
folder_info['folder_path'] = get_absolute_girder_folderpath(
gc=gc, folder_info=folder_info)
# connect to sqlite database -- only first stack does this
if save_sqlite and (dbcon is None):
db_path = os.path.join(local, folder_info['name'] + '.sqlite')
sql_engine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + db_path, echo=False)
dbcon = sql_engine.connect()
# save folder information json
if save_json:
print('%s: save folder info' % monitor)
savepath = os.path.join(local, folder_info['name'] + '.json')
with open(savepath, 'w') as fout:
json.dump(folder_info, fout)
# save folder info to sqlite
if save_sqlite:
_add_folder_to_sqlite(dbcon, folder_info)
# pull annotations for each slide in folder
workflow_runner = Workflow_runner(
gc, source_folder_id=folderid,
'gc': gc,
'local': local,
'save_json': save_json,
'save_sqlite': save_sqlite,
'dbcon': dbcon,
'callback': callback,
'callback_kwargs': callback_kwargs,
# for each subfolder, create a new folder locally and call self
for folder in gc.listFolder(parentId=folderid):
# create folder in local
new_folder = os.path.join(local, folder['name'])
# call self with same parameters
gc=gc, folderid=folder['_id'], local=new_folder,
save_json=save_json, save_sqlite=save_sqlite, dbcon=dbcon,
callback=callback, callback_kwargs=callback_kwargs)