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Video Overlays

This includes some documentation for experimental features which may not be fully complete but are in place for testing purposes.

Video Overlays

This allows for the configuration of a video that can be overlayed over the dataset base video. It is useful for display heatmaps or other information on top of the current video.


  • The Overlay Video should be the same dimensions (width x height) of the original video, the same length (duration in seconds) and the same framerate.
  • To implement video overlays a knowledge of how to add JSON metadata to Girder Folders and Items are required.
  • There should be a folder in the dataset with the Metadata value of overlayVideo: true. Make sure that the metadata is JSON.
  • Within the above folder should be a video with Metadata value of overlayVideoItem: true. Make sure that the metadata is JSON.
  • The system supports multiple video Overlays. If you have multiple files it will display all of them and you can enable or disable each one.

Having the above requirements met there will be a new icon in the visibile for the DIVE Dataset:

Video Layer Options

The Video Layer can be toggled on/off like any other annotation.

  • name - A display name for the list of video overlays that are visible.
  • Opacity - The global opacity of the video overlay
  • Color Transparency - If there is metadata value set with transparency this will attempt to replace the color in the video and make it transparent.
  • Override - Allows for specifying the current variance and color independently from the JSON file. It's used to figure out the settings that you want to use for the system. You can then click on the copy button to copy the JSON and past it into the metadata fro the video.
  • ColorScale - Allows for rescaling grayscale heatmaps to a custom beginning and end color. This is limited to two colors but will replace the black/white color range to whatever the user selects.

Video Overlay Color Transparency

Utilizing another Metadata field on the video overlay item (overlayVideoItem: true) you can specify colors to be replaced in the video and made transparent. This is configured by adding a new Metadata tag to the video Item : overlayMetadata: true

    "name": "Display Name for interface"
    "transparency": [
            "rgb": [0, 255, 0],
            "variance": 20,
    colorScale: {
        black: '#000000',
        white: '#FFFFFF'
Right now it only supports the first color in the array. Variance allows a +/- variance to the exact color that is selected. The colorScale isn't required but if it is found it will utilize it to scale grayscale imagery.

Additional Video Settings

Utiliing similar code for the Video Overlay, the system can also allow the displaying of a video alongside the main video. This can be done by the same method above but using the a few additional JSON properties

    positioning: {x: -1, y: 0, type: "%"},
    scaling: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5}
Positioning takes in an X/Y coordinate or scaling factor. 'type' is optional and defaults to the value of 'px' which means it will use pixel offsets. If you use the 'type' value of '%' it will use a percentage of the video width and height to position it. 'scaling' takes the original video and scales it up or down based on the numerical value.

In the above example the video is scaled 50% in the x and y direction and then the positioning is offset so that the upper right hand corner of the video is one scaled width to the left of the current video. Basically it scales the video and then moves it to the left of the current video display.