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Attribute Rendering

Attributes can be displayed within the annotation area next to the tracks they are associated with. Within the Attribute Editor there is a tab for Rendering and when turned on there are settings which can specify how the attribute is displayed and what tracks it is displayed.

Attribute Rendering Demo In the above demo the Detection attributes are rendered to the side of the track with custom text and colors for displaying each.

Attribute Rendering Settings

Attribute Rendering Settings

Under the Rendering Tab for the Attribute Editor if you turn on Render there will be numerous settings which determine how the attribute is displayed.

  • Settings
    • Selected Track - only display attributes for the selected track.
    • Filter Types - Will filter and only place the attribute rendering on the filtered track types.
    • Order - Order is used to determine the top-to-bottom order of the attributes that are rendered. A lower number means it has higher priority in the list.
    • Sticky - Makes the value 'sticky' where it will display the last value if the current value is undefined or an empty string. This is useful if your attribute data is sparse but you want to make sure you don't have a flashing/flickering display of the numerical values.
  • Display
    • Display Name - The Name displayed at the top as a label for the attribute. You can add a : to the display name. It will automatically populate with the attribute name
    • Display Text Size - Text size in pixel for the display name. This will remain constant when scrolling in/out of the track.
    • Display Color - Text color for the display text. If set to auto it will utilize the attribute color. If Auto is turned off you can set a custom display text color
  • Value
    • Value Text Size - Text size in pixel for the value. This will remain constant when scrolling in/out of the track.
    • Value Color - Text color for the display text. If set to auto it will utilize the attribute color. If Auto is turned off you can set a custom display text color.
  • Dimensions
    • % Type - For width and height it will size the area for the attribute based on the track width/height.
    • px Type - It will size the dimension of the width/height in pixels. This is useful if you have tracks of varying sizes and always want the attributes to fit properly.
    • auto Type - Only for the height this will automatically partition the height of the track into even parts based on the number of attributes that are being used.
  • Box
    • Draw Box - Basic setting to draw the box, if not selected the attribute will float there.
    • Thickness - Line Thickness for the outside of the box.
    • Box Color - Line color for the box. If set to auto it will utilize the attribute color.
    • Box Background - Will draw a background for the box instead of being transparent
    • Box Background Color - Background color for the box. If set to auto it will utilize the attribute color.
    • Box Background Opacity - The Opacity of the background color for the box