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S3 Import

When logged in as an Admin you can go to the main Girder interface and Admin -> AssetStores -> Create new Amazon S3 assetstore.

This will bring up the interface for configuring access to an S3 bucket basked on Access ID/Secret keys and the bucket name.

After creation of an S3 asset store files can be imported into a collection or a folder in the AssetStore menu.

DIVE S3 Import Process

When importing Video files while using the DIVE-DSA plugin the following process happens:

  1. As the system goes through the bucket paths it will look for files that have typical video extensions (mp4, mov, avi, and others).
  2. When a video file is found it will generate a folder with the name Video {video filename}.
  3. It will then place the video file inside of the new folder
  4. The new folder will be tagged with the following metadata:
    • fps: -1 - sets the fps to -1 so that when post process is called it will set the annotation fps to the video fps
    • type - will be 'video' for importing videos
    • import_path - information about the folder import path
    • import_source - The s3 path for the importing of the video
    • MarkForPostProcess: true - inidication for the system that this folder should be postprocessed (See Post Process)[]
  5. After all videos have been imported a recursive call to a special version of dive_rpc/batch_postprocess/{folderId} which will recursive check the folder the S3 data is imported into.
  6. This recursive process will look for folders with the MarkForPostProcess: true metadata and run the standard Post Process logic on them to transcode the video if required and to convert the folder into a valid DIVE dataset.

NOTE: This could generate a lot of jobs if there are thousands of videos. Keep an eye on the jobs and make sure that they are properly finishing with the 'success' status.

Errors or Failures

If there are any errors or failures during the post-processing of the videos there are a few options that can be done to try to resolve the problems.

  • Utilize the dive_rpc/batch_postprocess/{folderId} endpoint to try to start the jobs again if needed.
  • Within the core repo there is a python script (./scripts/ pip installing girder-client and running this script will attempt to convert any folder which still has fps:-1 and has MarkForPostProcess: any where the value is either false/true as long as it exists.
    • There are some configuration settings in the top of the file
    • apiURL- the URL or location of the server
    • port - default port used for the girder server
    • rootFolderId - the base folder you want to recursively check for imported S3 data
    • limit - a way to limit the number of jobs created for testing purposes. If using the script, use a small limit first to make sure the process works before attempting to convert thousands of videos.